August 9, 2007
The “CBS Evening News” is really pulling out all the stops to make the push for socialized medicine, but they’re not being correct with their presentation of the facts.
“It’s well known that…
April 13, 2009
Global warming “victims” could be able to sue the government and companies if two congressmen have their way.
Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy examined a provision inserted into a bill written by House Energy and…
April 13, 2009
While U.S. banks and automakers may be benefiting from taxpayer bailouts, they certainly haven’t escaped criticism of everything from their executive compensation and their business practices to the ethics of their leadership. Not so with another…
August 8, 2007
Hybrid vehicles are all the rage these days.
Even Paris Hilton is out promoting hybrid vehicles. “Tonight, I’m here,” said Hilton at BPM Magazine’s July party. “I came in a hybrid car because…
April 10, 2009
You could almost hear “How dare he!” being uttered by the left-wing establishment when Politico reported April 9 that a Republican congressman identified a specific number of “socialists” in the U.S. House of Representatives.
In a speech he…
August 8, 2007
Apparently being able to obtain a mortgage without a co-signer is more important to CBS than protecting against inflation.
“Had the fed lowered interest rates, 26-year old Amanda Michalko of…
April 7, 2009
Acts of protest tend to be synonymous with the left and are usually considered unsurprising on the right. However, when conservatives demonstrate – liberals take notice in a big way.
On Fox News Channel’s April 7 “Your World,” host Neil Cavuto…
April 9, 2009
Is this really what it has come to – columnists lobbying the government for a bailout?
Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law school professor, wrote in her last column for the Los Angeles Times on April 9 that it is time for a government…
August 8, 2007
With six miners trapped in a collapsed mine as of August 8, ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” used the crisis to take a few pot shots at the coal industry – all in the name of global warming.
August 7, 2007
Point fingers first. Ask questions later – if you’re the “CBS Evening News.”
As six miners remained trapped in a Utah coal mine on August 6, CBS attacked the safety of “retreat mining” and…