August 30, 2006
How’s the American worker doing on this Labor Day weekend?
According to network news, he’s either about to get laid off or he’s just languishing at his current job.
Recent coverage of work has leaned heavily toward the negative,…
November 30, 2007
Sometimes business gives an inch and interest groups want a mile.
National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” gave a report November 30 on misleading “green” products, charging companies with “The Six Sins of Greenwashing.”
November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving air travel went well; in fact it went so well it prompted CNN anchor Rob Marciano to exclaim, “Maybe the media sufficiently scared everybody.”
CNN’s “American Morning” and NBC’s “Nightly News” reported the good news on…
November 14, 2007
National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” was one of few outlets to report that the cost of $100 oil hasn’t had the effect on the economy that many people expected, “at least not yet,” cautioned host Steve Inskeep November 12.
In the…
November 6, 2007
Even though the media have been saying flight delays were so bad this year, it turns out they are better than last year.
CNN’s November 6 “American Morning” anchor Kiran Chetry introduced a report on improved flight delays by giving it to…
August 24, 2007
In a recent blog post CBS’ Wyatt Andrews gushed about Massachusetts’ new health care plan that requires people to purchase health care. His take:
“This isn't Clinton care;” Andrews assured his audience, “it's a huge experiment to see…
August 13, 2007
Who’s to blame for flight delays? Certainly not faulty government programs, says the “CBS Evening News.”
“Sheer misery … passengers on arriving planes couldn’t get off, stuck on taxi ways for up to six hours with little or no food and…
April 16, 2007
Guilty until proven innocent – that was the verdict for the student loan industry on CNN’s “In the Money.”
The show’s anchors turned a story on investigation of college financial aid offices into a diatribe on corporate scandal and an…
March 29, 2007
The TV made them do it.
It made them “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
CBS’s Katie Couric used the cereal slogan as she introduced a March 28 “Evening News” report. The nanny-staters were at it again, this time warning that children who…
March 19, 2007
On March 16, CNN’s Kitty Pilgrim announced the discovery of “more evidence” of the “failure of the Bush administration’s economic and trade policies,” costing American workers jobs.
“So simply put, this is yet another example of the…