December 21, 2015
Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned.
Rather than reporting as neutral outsiders on matters of race, CNN hosts and guest actually put their hands up in the “…
February 18, 2016
Liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is displeased with many of the “leading candidates” in the 2016 election, but made a nasty off-topic remark to bash conservative tax reform leader Grover Norquist in a recent column.…
December 28, 2016
Liberals still sore over Donald Trump’s electoral victory are bashing the president-elect by any means, including through liberal media outlets.
In the latest volley, left-wing Slate and Vanity Fair both attacked Trump for how he’ll…
May 2, 2017
Proposing tax cuts is the surest way to turn the liberal news media into deficit hawks. That’s exactly what happened in network coverage of President Donald Trump’s tax plan.
The liberal media love big spending and Big Government, until…
May 4, 2017
The CEO of AT&T insisted that tax reform spurs business investment, which will lead to hiring and wage growth in an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box a week after the president proposed reforms.
AT&T CEO and chairman Randall Stephenson…
October 4, 2017
The liberal media pounced immediately on the release of President Donald Trump’s outline for tax reform calling it “one big lie,” complaining about tax “cuts for the wealthy,” and saying the plan “stinks.”…
December 18, 2017
Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s hostility to President Donald Trump.
The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many different ways. They ranged from lies…
December 21, 2017
Good news for the economy came quickly on the heels of the Republican-driven tax bill. AT&T, Boeing, Wells Fargo, Comcast and others announced employee bonuses or wage increases, additional contributions to training, charitable efforts and…
February 13, 2018
The February 2018 stock market correction was painful to watch, but the news media exaggerated the situation — piling on panic and blame with descriptions like “crash” and “freefall” — after ignoring most previous…
February 19, 2018
The media rarely complain about deficit spending when liberals are at the helm, doling out taxpayer dollars like candy from a parade float. But once Republicans are in control, journalists can’t wait to complain.
FiveThirtyEight columnist…