August 21, 2012
Soros’s $25 billion Fund Management Group bought 7.9 percent of Manchester United’s Class A shares. The English soccer club went public in August,
according to many news reports Aug. 21.But
from Reuters, to Associated Press (AP), to…
August 28, 2012
claim to support transparency in government, but as President Obama has
proven time and again, that isn’t the case once conservatives start
finding shady things with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.New
York Times bestselling…
September 6, 2012
national unemployment rate is currently higher than when President
Barack Obama took office, but he and many others have been making the
case at this week’s Democratic convention that he should get four more
years as president.But
March 8, 2012
This is the second part of a BMI report related to BPA, a chemical commonly found in plastics. To read part one click here.The media haven’t been alone in the campaign
against supposedly “toxic” chemicals like BPA. Liberal Rep. Edward
Markey, D-…
November 1, 2012
Presidential elections have been won or lost due to
the economy. Herbert Hoover lost to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Jimmy Carter
lost to Ronald Reagan. This election season is no different as polls, including
a recent one from NBC News/Wall Street…
November 27, 2012
Networks Show Feds Double Standard: Despite
huge failings on the part of local and state government, the Bush
administration and FEMA took most of the network criticism in 12 days of
Hurricane Katrina coverage. But in a 12-day period of…
December 4, 2012
can’t stand Grover Norquist. For years, they have lambasted and
name-called Norquist, the president of American’s for Tax Reform: a
staunch anti-tax hike group. But now the liberal media is also focused
on him, in some cases rejoicing…
December 17, 2012
Less than a week after Great Britain lifted its ban on hydraulic fracturing, there is more news that will make fracking opponents unhappy. AXS television, formerly HDNet, has agreed to air the film “FrackNation” next month.“FrackNation,”
a film by…
January 3, 2013
the chagrin of many conservatives, a deal that would result in tax
hikes and lacked spending cuts was passed on New Year’s Day, hours after
the the fiscal cliff deadline had passed. Because
it didn’t include spending cuts, the Congressional…
January 29, 2013
many people will be focused on football Feb. 3, the date also marks a
less-enjoyable event — the 100th anniversary of the federal income tax.
On that day in 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified making it possible
for Congress to…