May 26, 2006
NBC Pumps Up Housing
Bubble with Extreme Example
Network spotlights problems of couple
paying $2,000 a month for a $129,000 house and…
May 25, 2006
Ill See Your Price and
Raise You a Quarter
Networks fret over high gas costs, yet
still depict prices higher than they are…
August 16, 2006
See Full Report
Al Gore has experienced a surge in media coverage this summer generated mostly by the release of his new film and book on global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Even with the extensive media coverage – more than one network story…
August 16, 2006
See Executive Summary
In the heat of the summer the media talked up a storm about global warming. And the most celebrated “expert” on the topic was a man who received a degree in government, dropped out of two graduate programs (law and divinity)…
October 1, 2009
See Full Report
Unemployment under President Barack Obama is at a 26-year-high. The last time the economy had 9.7 percent or higher unemployment was under President Ronald Reagan. But despite similar periods of rising unemployment, Obama and…
May 28, 2009
The media love to fret over global warming, but now that a trillion-dollar scheme to address global warming could be just around the corner the networks have been curiously quiet.
On May 21, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a bill to…
March 4, 2009
Temperatures have plummeted to record or near-record lows in 32 states this winter. On March 2, a global warming protest in Washington, D.C. was buried by nearly a foot of snow. And a new study warns that the Earth could be in for a 30-year cooling…
May 23, 2011
Click to read the Executive Summary
Read the Sidebar: Live Earth: NBC Joins the Fight for 'Climate in Crisis,' Fails to Stay Objective
Baaaa-dum. It only took two musical notes to set the mood and terrify viewers watching the movie "Jaws" in 1975.…
May 23, 2011
The cause for the end of the world has been imagined by screenwriters to include everything from giant insects and malevolent robots to asteroids the size of Texas. But five year ago in May 2006, Hollywood found a new menace: carbon dioxide. This…
October 19, 2010
Executive Summary
Like the fabled town of Hamelin that hired the Pied Piper to conquer its rat problem, America needed a hero to overcome a faltering economy. According to the news media, that hero was Sen. Barack Obama who made extravagant…