July 9, 2013
Government intervention always has consequences, and in the case of the federal raisin reserve The Washington Post found out it is hurting the very farmers it was meant to help. Even the Post mocked the outdated law and positively portrayed the…
July 12, 2013
Rolling Stone magazine really ought to stick to music and entertainment, instead of trying to get into science fiction. In it’s latest issue, the magazine presented the fictional destruction of Miami due to rising seas and climate change, which…
July 15, 2013
It’s not 1913, it’s 2013.Yet, children are getting sick and some are even dying from polio, measles, and pertussis (whooping cough) in the U.S. and Great Britain, thanks to vaccination scares led by the media and celebrities championing outdated…
July 17, 2013
Landowners are furious and Josh Fox is doing a happy dance,
since it was reported on July 16 that Hess Corp. and Newfield Exploration Co.
have notified property owners their drilling leases are no longer in effect.
The gas leases had been signed…
July 22, 2013
A year ago, President Barack
Obama derided Mitt Romney for admitting he would let Detroit car companies go bankrupt. He told supporters he
wouldn’t do that. “I refuse to turn my back on communities like this. I was
betting on the American worker,”…
July 26, 2013
CBS’s Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell apparently think it’s
their job to be economic policy experts instead of journalists. On July 23’s
“This Morning,” CBS did a segment on the battle between Walmart and the
Washington, D.C. Council and the…
July 26, 2013
“Overpopulation” is a buzz word often used by environmental
and abortion
activists. Some liberals
warn that practices like abortion, euthanasia, and population control like
China’s “one-child policy” are needed to keep the earth from becoming…
August 1, 2013
What do you call an increase in part-time and temporary workers along with stagnant unemployment numbers? Progress, according to the White House and the broadcast networks’ evening news programs.The networks have continued to tout the “recovering…
August 2, 2013
The July jobs report was released on Aug. 2, 2013, showing fewer jobs created than had been expected. The unemployment rate fell to 7.4 percent, but only 162,000 jobs were added and May and June were revised down by a total of 26,000 jobs.Alan…
August 14, 2013
Economists, business owners and employees are worried that the Affordable Care Act is resulting in fewer hours for workers.The networks had been ignoring this shift toward part-time work and its relationship to Obamacare earlier this year, but NBC…