September 5, 2007
The media haven’t done the best job on jobs.
In 47 straight months of job growth, the U.S. economy has created 8.3 million jobs. But despite that economic…
September 4, 2007
What to do about all those wealthy people? Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has some ideas.
Reporter Jeremy Grant conducted an interview with Frank that appeared in the September 1 issue of the…
August 31, 2007
With a half hour every evening, the competitive evening newscasts – ABC “World News with Charles Gibson,” “CBS Evening News” and “NBC Nightly News” – have to make the most of their broadcasts to give viewers the most news…
August 30, 2007
It’s easy to be envious of those who make more money, but when you’re calling for government involvement based on that, you interfere with the American dream.
The August 30 “USA Today,” in an…
August 30, 2007
Want to know how to get on CNN these days?
Make a music video in a grocery store with you and your sibling pretending to urinate on produce in a stock room, smacking each other in the crotch…
June 10, 2009
Want to see what populist-driven liberalism will do for the private sector? Take a gander at the latest comments from Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.
Frank, who told CNBC Congress had been…
June 10, 2009
Many have claimed the federal government was playing fast and loose with the rules surrounding its takeover of General Motors and the circumstances surrounding the selection of which dealerships would remain open and those that wouldn’t. Fox News’…
August 29, 2007
It’s like a broken record – the same push for socialized medicine using misreported data from the same government institution. Only this time, the data used is more current.
“But there was bad…
June 10, 2009
Don't think that cap-and-trade legislation comes at a cost? Well, think again.
In a June 9 interview on Bloomberg as the U.S. House of Representatives was considering the Waxman-Markey bill, David Sokol, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc’s (…
August 28, 2007
With bridges falling down, it makes sense to spend federal funds on infrastructure projects, but what doesn’t make sense is suggesting the government spend highway money on the obesity “epidemic.” …