October 21, 2015
The Democrats are determined to make the issue of gun control a presidential campaign issue, according to The Washington Post. And they already have the help of the news media.
Although the broadcast network evening shows said nothing about gun…
October 22, 2015
Ten months after the bureaucratic nightmare Obamacare was passed, there is even more evidence of its failure to live up to the promises made about it.
Just like you can lead a horse to water but not force him to drink, you can make employers offer…
October 28, 2015
Today’s Hollywood liberals are so vicious that the few conservatives in their midst must operate in secret to preserve their careers.
“If an actor comes out for Ted Cruz, they’ll be demonized,” actress Morgan Brittany told…
October 28, 2015
The focus of the CNBC Republican presidential debate was supposed to be economic policy: taxes, trade, immigration and how to generate economic growth.
The two-part Oct. 28, debate, titled “Your Money, Your Vote,” focused on the broad…
March 3, 2023
On Monday, President Joe Biden vowed to veto a joint resolution working its way through Congress this week that would nullify the administration’s recent rule allowing retirement and pension fund managers to choose investments based on…
March 14, 2023
A “Climate Modifier” bonus for top executives is among the tactics being used to advance the Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC) environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, the bank revealed Monday, announcing the publication of its 2022 Climate…
March 21, 2023
While powerful asset managers, such as BlackRock, are pressuring companies to cater to liberal environmental, social and governance (ESG) agendas, a new analysis finds that companies that aren’t influenced by politics outperform those that are.
March 21, 2023
On Monday, President Joe Biden issued his first presidential veto, in objection to a bipartisan Congressional joint resolution nullifying his administration’s rule freeing asset managers to invest their clients’ retirement savings in political…
March 29, 2023
“The entire ESG scheme is designed to funnel your retirement money to the maniacs on the radical left,” Former President Donald Trump warns in a new video denouncing new Biden Administration rules allowing asset managers to invest in environmental…
April 13, 2023
Despite being shunned by fund managers trying to advance liberal ESG (environmental, social and governance) ideology, coal industry stocks have been outperforming both the overall market and those of other forms of energy, a new analysis reveals…