October 11, 2005
NBC again showed its ignorance about contracts, referring to them as
adding heartbreaking insult to injury to victims of Katrina.
Brian Williams opened NBCs Nightly News October 10
October 7, 2005
Grocers and milk producers are the latest targets of the Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a group that the media
describe as an organization that promotes vegetarian diets, a…
October 4, 2005
Democrats need to embrace the lawsuit-happy attitude of New York
Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, according to the October 2 New York
Times Magazine.
A pro-Spitzer piece in the Times by…
September 7, 2005
The Early Show viewers are experiencing an unusual form of pain at
the pump. For two days running, CBSs Julie Chen has misreported gas
prices, each time claiming highs that have not occurred, with the…
January 9, 2009
Nobel laureate on arcane trade matters, former Enron adviser, and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is at it again.
In his latest Times column ("The Obama Gap"), he chides President-elect Barack Obama for not being ambitious enough in his…