March 15, 2006
Raddatzs story followed, highlighting a day of high political
drama, closed White House meetings and deal-making.
It wasnt until the dust had begun to
settle the next day…
March 8, 2006
OBriens prediction was a long way off. Total human deaths from
avian flu worldwide so far are slightly less than are killed on a
typical day in traffic accidents in the United States. That total…
February 24, 2006
Pickens gave $165 million to Oklahoma State University (OSU), and
Mike Holder, the schools athletic director, made the decision to
invest the programs new money with a hedge fund headed by Pickens…
February 22, 2006
The Benefit Battle
Maryland passed a law aimed directly at Wal-Mart, and unions and the
media have been hailing it as precedent-setting and
groundbreaking, as CBSs Russ Mitchell and Anthony…
February 15, 2006
Boehner gave him a straightforward reply: Tim, we didnt. He
explained that the budget-reduction measure signed by Bush would
expand benefits for students, higher loan limits, lower origination…
February 8, 2006
ABC News did a series of stories in October 2005 called Loose Nukes
on Main Street, implying that terrorists could easily gain access
to nuclear reactors in the United States and the Nuclear Energy…
February 8, 2006
ABCs Good Morning America asked two different guests if this plan
was just a pipe dream. Meanwhile, The Washington Post suggested
that this could have come straight from the mouth of Jimmy Carter…
February 1, 2006
The senior citizens she interviewed were unhappy with the idea of
health savings accounts (HSAs), and Regan egged them on in their
concerns instead of presenting the facts. Did he adequately address…
January 31, 2006
It turns out that media coverage of the nations economic growth can
vary a lot depending on how strong or weak the economy is doing.
Strong numbers are downplayed or undermined and weak numbers like…
January 20, 2006
In many respects, 2005 was the strongest economic year the United
States has experienced since 1999. The Gross Domestic Product
continued its uninterrupted string of consecutive 3-percent or…