June 7, 2006
USA Today Falsely Claims
Record Price of Gasoline
But years ago when prices climbed, the
media sometimes adjusted for inflation to…
June 7, 2006
CBS Uses Immigration to
Push Teacher Pay Complaint
But teachers earn above the average U.S.
wage and young people are drawn to better…
June 6, 2006
CBS Pushes Liberal Price
Gouging Storyline (Again)
Evening News favors new allegations
over other reasons for high prices, ignoring…
June 2, 2006
ABC Takes a Swipe at
American Auto Industry
Gibson continues media focus on
declining Big Three automakers, despite other companies…
June 1, 2006
The Media Love Gore All
the More
Entertainment Weekly, Time praise the
environmentalist laptop-wielding ninja
By Ken…
June 1, 2006
CBS Reports Chavezs
Push for Higher Oil Prices
Other networks ignore story, continuing
pattern of media apathy on South Americas…
May 31, 2006
CNNs Kitty Pilgrim
Slams Economy
Dobbs reporter takes Treasury secretary
nomination as chance to rehash attacks on Bush economy,…
May 30, 2006
Washington Post Magazine
Scoffs at Global Warming Skeptics
Rival paper Washington Times, meanwhile,
presents views on both sides of…
May 25, 2006
NY Times Sounds Downbeat
on Upbeat Economy
Reporter Peters downplays strong GDP
revision and hunts for signs of slowdown…
May 25, 2006
A Government Land Grab
the Media Can Love
ABC News casts Wal-Mart as Goliath
when town tries to seize its land, but Kelo ruling works…