November 21, 2005
Infusing humor into a liberal message about global warming, celebrities appearing on Sunday TBS special, Earth to America, took frequent digs at Bush administration policies. But as humorous as some of the appearances were, they…
November 18, 2005
I have an SUV, and I feel guilty about it, ABC reporter Bill Weir
confessed to liberal activist Laurie David. Absolving him of his
venial environmental sin, David counseled Weir on his penance, Next…
November 18, 2005
Andy Serwers economic reporting brings to mind the Saturday Night
Live skits portraying Sean Connery as a contestant in Celebrity
Jeopardy hes often providing answers that dont correspond with…
November 17, 2005
When teenage fashion habits are getting attention from congressional
budgeters, even CNNs American Morning can expose pork-barrel
spending for what it is.
Soledad OBriens segment on the…
November 17, 2005
Today what makes Governors great is not the loft of their dreams
but the depths of their pragmatism, Time magazine gushed in its
November 21 edition, praising five governors who can reckon with…
November 16, 2005
On the Nov. 16 American Morning, CNN business reporter Andy Serwer
worried that Congress might not have the fortitude to go ahead
with final passage of a new windfall profits tax on oil companies…
November 15, 2005
Stock up on your oatmeal and flax seed because CBS News this week
is taking you on a road trip with junk food-resistant correspondent
Mika Brzezinski. The road-tripping correspondent weighed in on an…
November 14, 2005
CNNs Jack Cafferty and Andy Serwer attempted to use the November 12 In the Money to bash fat cat corporate bosses raking in big profits. But while Cafferty and crew stayed on message skewering Big Oil on Saturday, their guest,…
January 19, 2009
Mike Huckabee called Republican supporters of the proposed $825 billion economic stimulus package “spineless” Jan. 17.
The former Arkansas governor and host of the Fox show “Huckabee,” voiced his frustration over this massive spending plan to Fox…
January 12, 2009
In 1981, Ronald Reagan announced in his first inaugural address “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
President-elect Barack Obama announced just the opposite on Jan. 8. Obama said, “It…