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Autumn Johnson | November 9, 2022

Twitter CEO Elon Musk reaffirmed his commitment to free speech in a meeting with advertisers Wednesday. 

The Washington Post reported that Musk discussed some of his plans for Twitter in an effort to attract advertisers to the…

Catherine Salgado | November 9, 2022

Leftist Axios decided the 2022 midterm election is a perfect excuse to increase online censorship, screeching about supposed “post-Election Day disinformation.”

Election irregularities including mass machine malfunctions, paper shortages…

Jeffrey Clark | November 9, 2022

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry gloated as Republicans picked up seats in the House, telling Bloomberg News that even a House flip would not stop the left from imposing disastrous climate change policies. 

Gabriela Pariseau | November 9, 2022

Chinese Communist Party-tied TikTok censored the latest episode of MRC’s free speech video series on Monday, the day before Election Day. 

Paiten Iselin, host of MRC Free Speech America’s CensorTrack with Paiten, reported on the…

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

The liberal media cranked the propaganda meter up to 100 before and during the midterm elections, warning that Big Tech was acting as a conduit for “election misinformation” and not censoring enough people for pushing “conspiracy theories.”…

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

What do some of the world’s most powerful Big Tech oligarchs and nearly 30 rabidly pro-censorship organizations have in common? They all share an apparent disdain for free speech and received a total of $80,233,084 from liberal billionaire George…

Autumn Johnson | November 8, 2022

Several companies have caved to the demands of liberal activists and pulled their ads from Twitter after Elon Musk announced the platform would no longer unfairly censor conservatives.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Audi…

Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

As diesel fuel supplies drop to historic lows and threaten to upend the trucking and farming industry in the U.S., the evening news shows continue to do what they do best: Ignore the news and repeat liberal talking points.

“East Coast…

NB Staff | November 8, 2022

“Google is manipulating information.” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell demanded Google be held accountable for its anti-American and anti-free-speech attempts at influencing American elections during a Monday segment on Fox Business…

Joseph Vazquez | November 8, 2022

One of the most watched news shows in the country aired the rantings of a George Soros-funded organization that vilified free speech on social media just two days before Election Day.

CBS’s 60 Minutes dedicated at least 522 seconds…

Jeffrey Clark | November 7, 2022

A climate expert exposed an extreme report for hyping the supposed dangers of climate change just two days before the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) began in Egypt. 

“The climate crisis is killing us. #COP27 must…

NB Staff | November 7, 2022

You’re fired! That’s not only a famous shout from Donald Trump’s TV celebrity days, it’s a sentence that woke Twitter employees are hearing in increasing numbers as Elon Musk takes over the platform. And The Washington Post is furious.


Autumn Johnson | November 6, 2022

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey lamented Saturday that he grew the company too fast amid new Twitter head Elon Musk’s sweeping changes, some of which include its censorship rules.

Musk purchased the platform for $44 billion last month and…

Autumn Johnson | November 6, 2022

Where will Twitter land on censorship now that richest man in the world Elon Musk is at the helm? A tweet made by the magnate on Saturday gives us a glimpse.

Musk announced changes to Twitter’s censorship rules, insisting via tweet that…

Autumn Johnson | November 6, 2022

At a campaign event Friday, President Joe Biden complained about upcoming changes to Twitter’s censorship rules.

It seems the president is not happy that Musk plans to implement the platform’s content moderation rules fairly. 

Autumn Johnson | November 5, 2022

Podcaster Joe Rogan mocked liberals who left Twitter when Elon Musk made it clear that censorship would no longer run unchecked on the platform.

Former Democratic Vermont Gov. Howard Dean announced his departure from the platform after…

Jeffrey Clark | November 4, 2022

Why do conservatives care about liberal billionaire George Soros’ outsized influence in politics? Surprisingly, The New York Times just revealed at least 126 million reasons why Soros — the “largest donor of 2022” — is a big player in the Nov. 8…

Jeffrey Clark | November 4, 2022

Mad Money host Jim Cramer shocked his fellow “Squawkers” on CNBC into silence by defending government propaganda and suggesting that people need — get this — “a propagandist” to convince them to get vaccinated. 

“Your mic is silent…

P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 4, 2022

People interested in the struggle for free speech, fair play, and the free market likely have seen a profusion of new reports revealing the “sides” certain social media and video platforms are choosing.

Are they aligning with liberty and…

NB Staff | November 4, 2022

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Thursday blasted Google on Fox News at Night after yet another MRC study exposed the Big Tech giant’s left-wing bias just days before the historic 2022 midterm elections. 

Bozell didn’t…