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Autumn Johnson | January 27, 2023

New Twitter Files show the pre-Musk, pro-censorship Twitter regime lacked “the guts to out” a watchdog group with ties to government officials that falsely labeled American accounts “Russian bots.” 

Journalist Matt Taibbi detailed…

Catherine Salgado | January 27, 2023

Newly revealed documents show government agencies used foreign intelligence and propaganda methods to censor Americans’ speech. Some of those same agencies have been exposed for collaborating with Big Tech platforms to censor.


Gabriela Pariseau | January 27, 2023

Google erased Project Veritas from search results, once again hiding information from the American public.  

Project Veritas released a video that allegedly showed Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development claiming the…

Joseph Vazquez | January 27, 2023

Even a liberal media outlet raised questions about DirecTV’s standard of fairness in how it’s treating Newsmax in comparison to the leftist channels distributed on its platform.

Newsweek’s Jan. 26 headline didn’t beat around the bush: “…

Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2023

Meta announced Wednesday that former President Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook and Instagram in the “coming weeks,” and Meta’s largely international Oversight Board responded.

“Today’s decision to reinstate Mr. Trump on…

Renata Kiss | January 26, 2023

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey discussed his team’s latest findings from their ongoing lawsuit against the Biden administration for allegedly colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech. 

Bailey told the Fox Business…

Paiten Iselin | January 26, 2023

Roe v. Wade may be history, but the fight for the rights of the unborn is far from over. Big Tech continues to flex its pro-abortion muscles, targeting pro-life activists and groups.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins…

Autumn Johnson | January 26, 2023

Facebook and Twitter are coming to Google’s defense in a lawsuit that could have a great impact on content moderation online.

Bloomberg Law reported last week that the companies recently filed their own legal briefs in an upcoming case,…

Autumn Johnson | January 26, 2023

It appears Google's sordid manipulation of users has even run afoul of leftists it has attempted to ingratiate itself with.

Politico reported on Tuesday that the Biden administration’s Justice Department joined California, New York,…

Paiten Iselin | January 25, 2023

Facebook and Instagram’s egregious censorship of former President Donald Trump seems to have finally run its course.

Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg announced that Trump’s Instagram and Facebook accounts will be reinstated “…

Catherine Salgado | January 25, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) vowed to hold Big Tech and government accountable for censorship collusion. “I anticipate multiple hearings,” he said.

Jordan appeared on the Just the News, No Noise Tuesday where he cited the Twitter Files.…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

A New York Times editorial board member actually claimed that Americans should be concerned about their taxes being too low when thinking about the $31 trillion-plus national debt crisis. Yes, you read that correctly.


Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

There appears to be a trend going on at liberal video programming distributor DirecTV. The company dropped Newsmax from its channel lineup just months after it nixed One America News from the platform.

Newsmax reported Jan. 25 that…

NB Staff | January 25, 2023

Big Tech is playing games with speech. Its primary concern is with neutralizing conservative influence online. It does this by preventing users from hearing or seeing a message that the left disagrees with.

“Big Tech kept information from…

Renata Kiss | January 25, 2023

Europe has previously called on the U.S. to do a better job at tackling so-called “disinformation” online, even challenging new Twitter owner Elon Musk to “increase” the number of moderators in the content. Now, at least one EU commissioner is…

Joseph Vazquez | January 24, 2023

Have legitimate concerns about the national debt? Well, you may just be one of those GOP “economic terrorists,” according to New York Times bloviator-in-chief Paul Krugman.

Krugman’s Jan. 19 column spewed bile at GOP congressional…

Catherine Salgado | January 24, 2023

An ongoing lawsuit alleging Big Tech-government collusion led to the unveiling of “The Facebook Files,” a trove of documents exposing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s sordid influence over Facebook and Instagram’s bloated…

Joseph Vazquez | January 23, 2023

Bongino Report Content Manager Matt Palumbo peeled back “the layers” of leftist billionaire George Soros’ global political and media influence during a recent interview with The Epoch Times.

Palumbo noted that his book —The Man…

Autumn Johnson | January 23, 2023

TikTok reportedly confirmed to Forbes magazine that its own employees can arbitrarily boost videos on the platform.

The report, which was published by Forbes on Friday, illustrates just how the company manipulates its users. TikTok and…

Autumn Johnson | January 23, 2023

The New York Times revealed the major changes that could come to online censorship if the Supreme Court of the United States decides to reform Section 230.

The Times technology reporter David McCabe analyzed just what is at stake…