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Autumn Johnson | February 23, 2023

The European Commission’s Corporate Management Board has made the decision to ban the video-streaming app TikTok from corporate devices.

The announcement comes as authorities around the world unite to disavow the company’s sordid ties…

Autumn Johnson | February 23, 2023

We now know a bit about where some of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are leaning in one family’s landmark case against Google.

Google is being sued by the family of a woman killed in 2015 during an ISIS-led…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

A Bloomberg Opinion columnist apparently didn’t care too much for optics when she actually tried to characterize working-age men dropping out of the workforce as “progress.”

Bloomberg columnist Allison Schrager penned misandrist…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen ripped the meaningless political theater by woke CEOs who pontificate about renewable energy to fight climate change but have no real sense as to how to fully transition away from fossil fuels.

United Airlines CEO…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2023

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting.

British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest…

Catherine Salgado | February 22, 2023

Leftist billionaire and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar is bankrolling a sketchy “dark-money group” that is pushing a corporate boycott campaign against Twitter owner Elon Musk.

The Omidyar Network gave the anti-Musk Accountable Tech $509,500…

Autumn Johnson | February 22, 2023

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr shared the results of a study tracking the collection of user data and security issues on social media platforms. The study showed that communist Chinese government-tied TikTok currently has “the worst” score in the…

Catherine Salgado | February 21, 2023

Woke “green” ideology backfired on the eco-extremists. President Joe Biden’s planned subsidies for domestic electric vehicle production could end up benefiting Communist Chinese government-tied companies.

Fox News Digital reported Feb. 20…

Gabriela Pariseau | February 21, 2023

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell interviewed Woke Inc. author and Strive Asset Management co-founder Vivek Ramaswamy in part one of a three-part series. The two discussed how anti-Americanism has infected American society and plagued…

Autumn Johnson | February 21, 2023

A group with financial ties to Google is trying to convince the United States Supreme Court to strengthen the company’s liability protections—and censorship powers—under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.

Politico …

Joseph Vazquez | February 21, 2023

The Washington Post’s in-house cry-bully Taylor Lorenz made a hysterical attempt to blame capitalism and climate change for child depression.

The Post columnist tried to wokescold the Twitterverse with her theory on the supposed true…

Renata Kiss | February 21, 2023

Former President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council Director sounded the alarm on the Federal Reserve’s inability to tame inflation and warned about “a collision or crash down the road.”

Economist Larry Summers warned the public in…

Catherine Salgado | February 20, 2023

One of these executives seems just like the other. While YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has stepped down, her successor is just as anti-free speech.

While the resignation of anti-free speech YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki seemed a cause for…

Paiten Iselin | February 20, 2023

You could be losing free speech online and not even know it. That’s the danger of the type of censorship recently uncovered by the Washington Examiner.

On this week's episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we looked at the George Soros-tied…

Craig Bannister | February 20, 2023

A global asset management corporation handling total portfolio funds in excess of nine hundred billion dollars is now bribing its employees to make investment decisions that subordinate profit maximization to the advancement of environmental,…

Joseph Vazquez | February 20, 2023

It appears the liberal media doomsaying over how Twitter owner Elon Musk was supposedly going to make the company implode by cutting the old regime’s censorship-obsessed workforce in half was nothing but noise. And even a Washington Post…

Autumn Johnson | February 20, 2023

The latest drop of Twitter Files shows that a United States senator's campaign director pressured the company to target his political opponents.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi posted a thread of tweets illustrating how government…

Catherine Salgado, Joseph Vazquez | February 17, 2023

The State Department reportedly funds a George Soros-backed organization based in the UK that helps six Big Tech platforms censor Americans.

Reclaim the Net reported Feb. 16 that the US State Department funds the UK-based Institute for…

Joseph Vazquez | February 17, 2023

The Big Three networks ignored news that the Biden administration denied disaster assistance to Ohio’s pro-Trump Columbiana County following the toxic train derailment in East Palestine.

Fox News reported Feb. 16 that Governor Mike…

Renata Kiss | February 17, 2023

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is ready to crack the whip on Big Tech censorship and restore free speech. 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called Big Tech censorship “the single greatest threat” to free speech in America during a Fox Business…