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Amy Menefee | April 27, 2005

See Full Study

Social Security has been the most debated domestic issue of George W. Bush’s second term. Baby boomers begin retiring as early as 2008, and the nation’s retirement system faces an income shortfall beginning as early as 2017…

Amy Menefee | April 27, 2005

See Executive Summary

In the Social Security reform debate, liberals have promised 'guaranteed' tax-funded benefits. Conservatives have warned that the outdated retirement program is nearing guaranteed bankruptcy. But the only real…

Dan Gainor | April 27, 2005

Post Paints FDR as Moderate on Social Security Story focuses on different legislative styles of Bush and Roosevelt. It then ignores enormous differences…

Dan Gainor | April 22, 2005

When Greenspan speaks Post, Times dont even come close to agreeing on what Fed Chairman has to say.

By Dan Gainor April 22,  2005

Dan Gainor | April 20, 2005

CDCs Numbers Collapse Under Weight of New Study Analysis finds estimates of obesity deaths 14 times higher than reality. Center for Disease Control vows not to…

| April 18, 2005

Super Size Me Star Continues Anti-Food Attack; Will Also Target Religion in New Show Morgan Spurlock overate himself into stardom and took a bite out of McDonalds at the…

Dan Gainor | April 15, 2005

BBC Bothered by Capitalism in Afghan Capital Reporter details the dangers of free market economics because landowners make a profit.

By Dan Gainor…

Dan Gainor | April 13, 2005

CBS Plays the Victim Card and Takes It to the Bank Evening News criticizes controversial new fee after man overspends his account

By Dan Gainor…

Dan Gainor | April 11, 2005

Discovery Channel Blows Its Top and Its Credibility Network focused on devastating impact of true story of Yellowstone volcano that just hasnt happened yet…

Dan Gainor | April 1, 2005

See Full Study

Accounting scandals have become bread-and-butter stories for journalists. But one of the biggest accounting debacles in recent history has gone virtually unnoticed by the TV news. Fannie Mae, the government-sponsored…

Dan Gainor | April 1, 2005

See Executive Summary

It's a familiar story. An enormous company reveals its 'accounting problems.' The problems are found to be far worse than anyone realized. The CEO is forced to resign. Other high-ranking executives follow. The stock…

| April 1, 2005

Networks Hound Burger King for Launching Enormous Sandwich ABC and NBC shake their collective finger at the naughty peddlers of the new Omelet Sandwich.…

Dan Gainor | March 30, 2005

CBS Evening News Wakes Up to Find Non-profit Gets Funding Report criticizes National Sleep Foundation for drug industry financing, but ignores backing for…

Dan Gainor | March 28, 2005

CNNs Global Warming Special Typifies Liberal Bias of Climate Coverage

By Dan Gainor and Amy Menefee March 28, 2005

     Its the…

| March 25, 2005

Apples and Oranges: Media Wrongly Equate Galveston Pension Plan with Bushs Social Security Reform

By Amy Menefee…

| March 21, 2005

ABC Manufactures Anti-Cookie, Anti-Free Market Story

By Amy Menefee March 21, 2005

     News flash from ABC: Cookies…

| March 16, 2005

TIME  Embraces Bad Economics That Blame America for World Poverty

By Amy Menefee March 16, 2005

     TIME Magazines March 14 issue…

| March 15, 2005

ABC Uses Old Interview for One-Sided Trade Story

By Amy Menefee March 15, 2005

     ABCs World News Tonight…

| March 9, 2005

Media Continue to Attack Drug Companies with Misinformation

By Amy Menefee March 9, 2005

     Your mother might have told you that if you say…

Dan Gainor | March 9, 2005

'60 Minutes Describes Video Game as a Killer Application

By Dan Gainor March 9, 2005

     First, video games were linked to…