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Ken Shepherd | April 12, 2006
     While ABC and NBC presented viewers with many of the reasons for the rising cost of gasoline, CBS ignored the link between Irans push for nuclear power and rising oil prices. Instead, the network…
Ken Shepherd | April 11, 2006
     Once again Wal-Mart is under attack by interest groups hoping to use government to gum up its business operations. And once again, the media are focusing on the stores critics while downplaying the…
Ken Shepherd | April 10, 2006
     A New York Times reporter who called recent corporate layoffs worse than the Great Depression was the papers choice to write about the positive job growth in the economy…
Ken Shepherd | April 7, 2006
     The April 7 network morning news programs ignored data on dropping jobless claims and a rise in consumer confidence, which point to a strong economy. NBC, meanwhile, gave short shrift to a nearly 5-year…
Ken Shepherd | April 7, 2006
     Continuing the media assault on profitable businesses, CBS News attacked the insurance industry for record profits in 2005, a year also beset by heavy hurricane damage claims…
BMI Staff | April 5, 2006
Paris When It Sizzles   As French protesters clash with riot police, Americans arent getting the full story from U.S. broadcast media. Journalists…
Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | April 5, 2006
     The youth of France are faced with unemployment rates that parallel those of the general U.S. labor force during the Great Depression, with about one out of five people aged 18 to 25 unable to find work…
Ken Shepherd | April 5, 2006
     Imagine being fined by your state government for not buying something you choose to avoid purchasing. It may sound crazy, but in Massachusetts it may soon be the law.      A bill awaiting…
Amy Menefee | April 5, 2006
     The First Employment Contract (CPE is its French abbreviation), signed into law April 2 by President Jacques Chirac, eases restrictions on employers. It allows them to fire workers under the…
Ken Shepherd | April 4, 2006
     Venezuelan President Hugo Chavezs offer of subsidized heating oil to the frosty northeastern United States this past winter was met warmly by the broadcast media. But network interest in Chavez turned…
Amy Menefee | April 3, 2006
     It was dj vu on ABC News as World News Tonight repeated a February 24 New York Times attempt to discredit philanthropist Boone Pickens. Reporter Brian Ross even used the same…
Ken Shepherd | April 3, 2006
     The current issue of BusinessWeek conceded what the Business…
Ken Shepherd | March 31, 2006
     Following on the heels of Time magazines alarmist cover stories on global warming, this weekends release of Ice Age 2: The Meltdown has given movie reviewers for major newspapers a…
Ken Shepherd | March 30, 2006
     When environmentalists want regulation, its never enough. And the media are often willing to give them the spotlight.      New fuel efficiency regulations have the media going…
BMI Staff | March 29, 2006
March Madness: Full-Court Press on Global Warming   Its Time and ABC, and other media outlets promoting the threat of manmade climate change. Theyre pushing…
Dan Gainor | March 29, 2006
     Its Time for the end of the world.      Its also ABC, CNN, CBS and Newsweek, all promoting a climate disaster that would end the world as we know it raising sea levels…
Ken Shepherd | March 29, 2006
     The New York Times has found another example of corporate evil to fight: funny beer ads.      Citing left-wing advocacy groups, Times writer Melanie Warner penned a…
Amy Menefee | March 29, 2006
     Behind a cover that read, Be Worried. Be Very Worried, Time informed its readers: in the past five years or so, the serious debate has quietly ended. That was a common assumption…
Ken Shepherd | March 28, 2006
     CNNs Lou Dobbs is always pontificating about national security, especially when it comes to international trade but on March 27 he was frowning on an extra port security measure…