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Jeff Poor | December 29, 2008

Who doesn’t like to see taxes cut? Well, it depends on who gets the cut.


A Dec. 28 “NBC Nightly News” segment about President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming administration took on the issue of the “top domestic concern, the…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 22, 2008
21 December 2008 Editor, The New York Times 229 West 43rd St. New York, NY 10036   To the Editor:

You report that more companies are reducing their contributions to employees' 401(k) retirement accounts, saying that this "move will hurt…

Dan Gainor | December 20, 2008

See Executive Summary

Even in the midst of an election and Wall Street crisis, oil and gas prices have been front and center in 2008. The huge spike in both commodities was followed by a greater collapse in those prices in recent months…

Dan Gainor | December 20, 2008

Read Full Report

The incredible spike in oil and gas prices was a huge story in 2008. Consumers struggled as a gallon of regular gasoline soared from nearly $3 to $4.11 by mid-summer. Network news shows bombarded viewers with more than…

BMI Staff | December 19, 2008
Pumped Up Prices Gas and oil prices have collapsed despite media predictions they would both spike much higher. In more than 500 oil and gas stories one thing is obvious you are…
Jeff Poor | December 19, 2008

Just how bad is the economy? ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” went all the way to Edwardsburg, Mich. to find out.

The Dec. 18 broadcast of “World News” highlighted a new economic indicator – the increase in the number of people…

Jeff Poor | December 18, 2008

Unprecedented snow in Las Vegas has some scratching their heads – how can there be global warming with this unusual cold and snowy weather?

CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers had never bought into the notion that man can alter the climate and…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 18, 2008

Editor, The New York Times

229 West 43rd St.

New York, NY 10036

To the Editor:

Bravo for Roger Cohen's explanation that market economies work by creating new firms, new products, new processes – and that these…

Jeff Poor | December 18, 2008

In an attempt to pit “us” against “them [Wall Street]” Rachel Maddow mocked and criticized the rate at which Goldman Sachs was taxed this year.


The MSNBC host of “The Rachel Maddow” show lamented that the investment bank…

Jeff Poor | December 18, 2008

Even in a story about Wall Street scandal, NBC found time to promote a bailout of the auto industry.


The Dec. 17 “NBC Nightly News” went out of its way to put the amount of Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50 billion fraudulent Ponzi…

Jeff Poor | December 18, 2008

Love him or hate him, this time Jim Cramer makes a good point.


While some in the media have expressed fury over allegations that Bernard Madoff ran a Ponzi scheme that may have cost investors up to $50 billion, CNBC’s “Mad…

Dan Kennedy | December 17, 2008

On Sunday, Dec. 14, “Good Morning America” devoted about 10 minutes to a segment about the theft of baby Jesus statues from nativity scenes on church lawns. As they pointed out, these thefts are not a new crime. In fact, once the subject of an…

Julia A. Seymour | December 17, 2008

CNN’s Carol Costello and John Roberts had a lump of coal for credit card companies on “American Morning” Dec. 17.


Costello complained about the companies’ use of “warm and fuzzy” holiday advertisements in an attempt to…

Jeff Poor | December 16, 2008

Rupert Murdoch has his critics – from those who think his papers are too tabloid-ish – The Sun, The New York Post – to those who find his cable television networks too right-leaning for their tastes. And back in 2007, there was a fear that his…

Jeff Poor | December 16, 2008

Even with all his detractors, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer has never been shy about expressing his opinion. Most notably, his infamous Aug. 3, 2007 “They know nothing … They’re nuts” rant was a full fledged meltdown, but it correctly…

Jeff Poor | December 15, 2008

The proposed automaker bailout has a big stamp on it that says “union-built,” but the news media hasn’t noticed.

The proposed automaker bailout has a big stamp on it that says “union-built,” but the news media hasn’t noticed.

Dan Gainor | December 15, 2008

News by its very nature is unpredictable. Too bad many journalists don’t seem to understand that fact.

Ever since gasoline prices began a wild ride in 2004, the media have been obsessed with predicting future energy prices. Gasoline, we…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 15, 2008

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

You rightly dismiss the argument that a government bailout of GM, Ford, and Chrysler is justified by the concern that people…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 15, 2008

Editor, The New York Times

229 West 43rd St.

New York, NY 10036

To the Editor:

Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said Dec. 12 that "Under normal economic conditions we would prefer that markets determine the…

Jeff Poor | December 12, 2008

     Time and again we’ve heard about the lost jobs and economic impact of failing to bail out the beleaguered American auto manufacturers. But little mention has been made of the consequences of going through with the bailout…