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Lauren O'Reilly | January 26, 2009

Winston Churchill famously warned that history repeats itself unless people learn from past mistakes. As Congress debates a massive stimulus bill, critics of the stimulus plan warned about that very possibility on Fox News Channel’s “Bulls &…

Matt Philbin | January 26, 2009

The old adage goes, “There are two sides to every issue.” It’s true, unless you report for The Washington Post. In a Jan. 26 story, Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson wrote that President Barack Obama was planning to reverse two Bush…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 26, 2009

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

In "Three Crises In One," Robert Samuelson double-counts by identifying "the collapse of consumer spending" and "a trade crisis" caused…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 26, 2009

News Editor, WTOP Radio

Washington, DC

Dear Sir or Madam:

You report Jan. 25 that "President Barack Obama's ban on earmarks in the $825 billion economic stimulus bill doesn't mean interest groups, lobbyists and…

Matt Philbin | January 26, 2009

Ever since Chuck Berry pleaded with “Maybellene,” car songs have been a staple of rock n’roll. But can this venerable tradition survive an eco-update? Rocker Neil Young is about to put it to the test with an entire album of songs about electric…

Erin Brown | January 26, 2009

Liberal feminists claim that President Obama’s administration will not have enough female representation and that the job creation part of his stimulus plan will favor men.


But on CNN’s Newsroom, lack of the feminist…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 26, 2009

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

The headline of your report on Mayor Lawrence Morrissey of Rockford, Ill., spending time in Washington begging pooh-bahs there…

Jeff Poor | January 23, 2009

You’ve heard it here, there and everywhere in the news media – the time is now for a big-government economic stimulus package, not only to revive the economy, but to salvage America’s crumbling infrastructure.

That’s one of the selling…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 23, 2009

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner sides with those who worry, as you put it, that "Beijing has kept its currency artificially…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 22, 2009

Editor, WTOP Radio

Washington, D.C.

Dear Editor:

Interviewed this morning in your report on how Uncle Sam will assume many of the insurance obligations for the Metro transit system, Rep. Jim Moran asserted that this…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 22, 2009

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

President Obama's inaugural declaration that "The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 22, 2009

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Alberto Alesina and Luigi Zingales say that "this recession is unusual is that it was caused in large part by a significant…

Matt Philbin | January 22, 2009

It might be time to bail out the bailouts. That’s what New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Jan. 22.


Co-host Diane Sawyer asked Sorkin about the inauguration day stock market plunge…

Julia A. Seymour | January 21, 2009

It was 28 degrees in Washington, D.C. on inauguration day, so naturally NBC blamed the weather on “global warming.” During the network’s coverage of the inaugural parade on Jan. 20, NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss claimed…

Jeff Poor | January 21, 2009

After nearly two years of favorable treatment from seemingly every corner of the media since he announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2006, Obama is still finding ways to delight his biggest fans.

On his first day on the job,…

Dan Gainor | January 21, 2009

According to President-elect Barack Obama’s latest radio address, this will be “the most open and accessible inauguration in history.”

I guess he forgot to tell his inauguration committee. They have “struck deals with three television…

Dan Kennedy | January 21, 2009

Turning on the news now is a dismal experience. It’s bleak. Most of the reporting and opining is ignorant or superficial, and it’s all depressing. We need some dramatically different news. When I was a kid, I read Mad Magazine, and enjoyed their…

Julia A. Seymour | January 21, 2009

It is unclear where President Barack Obama will lead the United States of America – besides $825 billion or so deeper in debt if he approves the House Democrats’ stimulus package.

But what is clear is the direction liberal New York…

BMI Staff | January 21, 2009
Krugman's Obama Would be Like 'Franklin Delano' Paul Krugman thinks he can shape policy with his New York Times column, and President Barack Obama has proved open to suggestions. If…
Jeff Poor | January 21, 2009

Presidential inaugurations are traditionally bear market days for stock traders, but Jan. 20, 2009 was by far the worst. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) lost 332 points (4 percent) and the broader S&P 500 index (S&P) lost nearly…