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Alexander Hall | September 18, 2020

Liberals and Big Tech supporters are panicking about a new potential FCC Commissioner who is reportedly a hawk about online censorship.

President Donald Trump may nominate National Telecommunications and Information Administration (…

Kayla Sargent | September 18, 2020

It’s no secret that Twitter skews sharply to the left. A recent job change by a top employee of the platform shows why.

Carlos Monje, now the former public policy director for Twitter, left the company to join the transition team for…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2020

For someone as infamous as Hanoi Jane Fonda to exploit the devastating West Coast wildfires to sell the Green New Deal (GND) is just par for the course. She’s used to pushing propaganda.

Fonda joined MSNBC blowhard Joy Reid on the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2020

Reuters is pushing an insane idea that eco-extremist activist Greta Thunberg could get the Nobel Peace Prize. 

In a story headlined, “A Nobel for Thunberg? In the age of climate change and virus, it is possible,” Reuters’ Gwladys…

Alec Schemmel | September 17, 2020

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MN) slammed Big Tech’s influence inside Congress on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight Wednesday evening. 

American’s rights online have been trampled by major tech companies who have leveraged favorable…

Alexander Hall | September 17, 2020

World-famous podcast host Joe Rogan moved his massively popular and free talk show exclusively to the Spotify platform, and some of its staff members have been triggered ever since. 

“In a Spotify all-hands company meeting on…

NB Staff | September 17, 2020

Online censorship of conservatives is out of control, and the Media Research Center is doing something about it. The MRC just launched #FreeSpeechAmerica, designed to push back against Big Tech’s abuse of power.

“Our position is that if…

Kayla Sargent | September 17, 2020

It’s no secret that Americans have a complicated relationship with Big Tech, and a recent study from FleishmanHillard highlights just how complicated this relationship can be.

FleishmanHillard, a St. Louis-based marketing agency and…

Alexander Hall | September 17, 2020

Twitter proved — again — that it still can’t take a joke. This time the platform labelled a President Donald Trump tweet parody of former Vice President Joe Biden “Manipulated media.”

Biden played “Despacito” at a mid-September rally to…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2020

Journalists can’t handle the truth. The Big Three excuses for evening news shows ignored three major pieces of economic news that happened between September 15 and September 16.

Median household income was “$68,703 in 2019, an…

Corinne Weaver | September 17, 2020

An ad that was part of the conservative PAC American Principles Project’s (APP PAC) $4 million campaign was labeled “missing context and could mislead people” by Facebook fact-checkers. 

NBC News wrote that the video, titled “Not…

Alec Schemmel | September 16, 2020

Twitter is apparently censoring accounts that tweet in support of famous Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, while also making additional moves to diminish that support. 

The day before Rowling released her new book “Troubled Blood…

Kayla Sargent | September 16, 2020

Google testified in an antitrust hearing before the Senate yesterday, but the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appears to be gearing up to crack down on Facebook. 

The Wall Street Journal reported that the FTC is preparing “a possible…

Alexander Hall | September 16, 2020

News organizations can’t even question China’s involvement in the Novel Coronavirus without being censored. A Fox News article about Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s claims that China intentionally released the COVID-19 virus has been censored by Facebook with…

Joseph Vazquez | September 16, 2020

CNBC’s Jim Cramer may have made a Freudian slip yesterday when he called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” to her face on live TV. He has since apologized.

But the Twitter woke mob had smelled blood. In response to Cramer’…

Kayla Sargent, Alexander Hall | September 15, 2020

Google has long tried to hide its anti-conservative bias, but today, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) were not having it. 

Big Tech representatives faced off with the Subcommittee on Antitrust,…

Alexander Hall | September 15, 2020

Only some experts are allowed to comment, apparently. That much was made clear when YouTube censored White House presidential advisor and Dr. Scott Atlas, M.D, for going against the World Health Organization’s narrative. 


Kayla Sargent | September 15, 2020

If you’ve logged on to your Facebook today, you may have already noticed something a little different at the top of your feed. 

Today, Facebook launched its new Climate Science Information Center, its third information center in the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 15, 2020

CNBC’s Jim Cramer’s insult gaffe to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may have been a huge Freudian slip.

Cramer expressed his frustration about the ongoing friction between the White House and U.S. Congress on a coronavirus aid…

Joseph Vazquez | September 15, 2020

The liberal media are again peddling their anti-men-drinking-alcohol schtick. This time, The Washington Post pushed a very flawed government report recommending men should only have one drink a day.

The Dietary Guidelines…