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Alexander Hall | January 8, 2021

Big Tech’s crusade against conservatives continued furiously Friday night. Google removed the Parler app from its store and Apple threatened to do the same.

Free market advocates repeatedly told conservatives the solution to Big Tech…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2021

Twitter has finally lost it. The social media site purged President Donald Trump, going against its own rules. This from a site that has allowed foreign dictators and even pro-genocide propaganda. But it won’t allow a sitting U.S. president to…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2021

Update: Elijah Schaffer personal Instagram and "Slightly Offensive" show page now appear to be online on Facebook and Instagram.  The Blaze journalist Elijah Schaffer, who has put his own physical safety at risk to report on riots…

Alec Schemmel | January 8, 2021

One of the world’s largest e-commerce service providers removed online stores operated by The Trump Organization and Trump Campaign following the break in at the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6.

“Based on recent events, we have determined that the…

Kayla Sargent | January 8, 2021

Twitter doesn’t hold foreign government accounts to the same standard as President Donald Trump, but the platform has reached a new low. 

Twitter patted itself on the back after suspending Trump for 12 hours for posting a video in…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2021

The internet’s most powerful platforms appear to have blamed President Donald Trump for riots that occurred at the U.S. Capitol building, even as he called for an end to civil unrest.

Many of the internet’s biggest tech platforms launched…

Kayla Sargent | January 8, 2021

The left is absolutely desperate for Twitter to ban President Donald Trump.

At least 120 leftists on Twitter have called for Trump to be permanently removed from the platform following the Jan. 6 unrest at the U.S. Capitol Building. The…

Joseph Vazquez | January 8, 2021

Rule of thumb: Always be skeptical of a company that tries to act woke, especially when CNN blowhard Brian Stelter is pushing it.

Publishing company Simon & Schuster tried to do just that by canceling publication of Missouri…

Craig Bannister | January 7, 2021

“Just resign now,” Activist-Entertainer Kathy Griffin told President Donald Trump Wednesday in a tweet re-posting her infamous 2017 photo in which she posed while holding up an image of the president’s “severed head.”

“Just resign now.…

Alexander Hall | January 7, 2021

Even as President Donald Trump called for peace, social media companies purged posts and his video and restricted his accounts, with at least two platforms removing his presence indefinitely.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg…

Alexander Hall | January 6, 2021

Update: This is a rapidly developing story. "Twitter locked President Trump out of his account for the first time late Wednesday," The Washington Post reported after 7 p.m. Wednesday. The Post also claimed, "The 12-hour timeout also included the…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2021

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published a babbling op-ed smearing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Russ Vought.

It’s worth noting that Milbank is the same individual who disturbingly said he’d eat his own print…

Kayla Sargent | January 6, 2021

The left’s hatred of President Donald Trump truly knows no bounds. 

Recode co-founder and New York Times contributor Kara Swisher is rejoicing in her assumption that Trump will be removed from Twitter. 

She can see it…

Alexander Hall | January 6, 2021

YouTube reversed its termination of a YouTube channel, casting further doubt on its ability to moderate consistently.

“YouTube has reinstated TalkRadio's channel on its platform hours after saying it had been ‘terminated’ for breaking the…

Kayla Sargent | January 5, 2021

Big Tech has been on a rampage against what it considers to be misinformation about COVID-19. But a trusted source like a medical journal should be safe, right? Wrong. 

Twitter has flagged the link to a study from the European…

Alexander Hall | January 5, 2021

Once again, Facebook has been caught hosting a far-left group that harassed a sitting senator at his home.

“Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t…

Kayla Sargent | January 5, 2021

Once again, one of Facebook’s fact-checkers has failed to acknowledge the facts — this time surrounding the origins of COVID-19. 

Now, even a leftist source has begun to concede that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan,…

Joseph Vazquez | January 5, 2021

Supporting a leftist group that advocates defunding the police apparently wasn’t a red flag for liberal outlet Inside Philanthropy’s (IP) “Philanthropist of the Year” award. 

At least, that’s the message that IP…

Heather Moon | January 4, 2021

Online platforms got to use their favorite tool in 2020 before and even after the election: censorship.

During one of several Senate hearings into Big Tech bias this year, even the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter could not name a single high…

Kayla Sargent | January 4, 2021

A proposed House of Representatives rule may take the idea of censoring so-called “misinformation” even further.

The resolution containing the proposed rules of the 117th Congress could impose penalties for members of Congress and…