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Michael Morris | August 17, 2021

Big Tech tyranny knows no bounds. Big Tech companies have gone so far as to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for their employees, but now apparently even that isn’t enough. Some of those employees are being required to show proof.


Alexander Hall | August 17, 2021

As the Taliban appears to have taken the mantle in returning to rule Afghanistan, Big Tech companies are grappling with how to handle the legitimacy of a radical Islamic regime.

Big Tech companies like Facebook have to make a decision…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 17, 2021

Members of Facebook’s Oversight Board revealed that the board prefers to operate under the guideposts of globalism and so-called consistency — not American values enumerated in the First Amendment.

Two Oversight Board members appeared at…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2021

The terrible effects of President Joe Biden’s war on fossil fuels are taking a serious toll on the nation as the left-wing media have consistently attempted to defend him from bad press.

U.S. Energy Information Administration data…

Autumn Johnson | August 16, 2021

YouTube received criticism from a U.S. congresswoman after it reportedly removed a video of a news conference that discussed a legal challenge to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “vaccine passports.”

In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal,…

Alexander Hall | August 16, 2021

The potential alliance between the Department of Homeland Security and private companies to spy on Americans has reportedly stoked skepticism across the country ranging from privacy advocates to even government employees.

The Department…

Autumn Johnson | August 15, 2021

A purported Taliban spokesman still has an active Twitter account, despite the platform's suspension of former President Donald Trump for “hateful” and “violent” content.

The Taliban is actively moving to retake Afghanistan after U.S…

Autumn Johnson | August 14, 2021

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies says Google altered its news algorithm to directly target former President Donald Trump.

Vorhies was a senior software engineer at YouTube and Google. He left after discovering the companies censored…

Autumn Johnson | August 13, 2021

Snopes co-founder David Mikkelson has been accused of publishing plagiarized articles under a false name.

The notorious fact-checking website holds itself out as an arbiter of truth in an age of “fake news.”

A Buzzfeed News…

Autumn Johnson | August 13, 2021

Three Australian publishers have accused Facebook of taking their content for its newly-launched news service without compensation.

Broadsheet Media, Urban List, and Concrete Playground publish entertainment news and reviews.


Alec Schemmel | August 13, 2021

Grabien Founder and Editor Tom Elliott “suspected this was coming.” Elliott said the company, which provides a suite of tools for newsmakers and curates its own original news content, had its YouTube channel demonetized.


Gabriela Pariseau | August 13, 2021

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that mainstream news outlets should consider it their “duty” to reject Big Tech censorship before ultimately claiming “that's not going to happen.”

Carlson criticized the blatant hypocrisy of “legacy…

Joseph Vazquez | August 13, 2021

Fox Business host Charles Payne placed the blame for spiking energy prices right at the feet of President Joe Biden's fossil fuel “war.”

Fox News anchor John Roberts called out the “inherent contradiction” of Biden begging the…

Alec Schemmel | August 12, 2021

YouTube alternative Rumble is gaining traction among more than just conservatives. The video-sharing platform just welcomed a diverse group of big name voices.

Rumble announced that “eight nationally recognized thought leaders” would be…

Alexander Hall | August 12, 2021

Big Tech’s greatest enemy may be bipartisan legislation, as politicians from both sides of the aisle unite to introduce the Open App Markets Act.

“U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and Amy Klobuchar (…

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2021

American Big Tech companies apparently aren’t the only ones pushing woke ideologies. American Express (AmEx) was allegedly exposed for instituting a vehemently anti-American Critical Race Theory training program for its employees.

Casey Ryan | August 12, 2021

President Joe Biden is at odds with the First Amendment. His administration has reportedly pressured Facebook for several months to censor Americans who post views contradicting the administration’s COVID-19 narrative.

The First Amendment…

Alexander Hall | August 11, 2021

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) roasted PolitiFact after the Facebook fact-checker tried to pretend it knew more about Texas law than Cruz did. 

Cruz reportedly proclaimed that there was “clear legal authority” to arrest Democratic…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 11, 2021

YouTube appeared to remove Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) video protesting the platform’s censorship and reportedly suspended him for seven days. “Apparently, because I dared to contradict Dr. Fauci and the government YouTube removed my video,”…

Joseph Vazquez | August 11, 2021

The Associated Press (AP) found a way to make President Joe Biden look like an American prophet warning about rising energy prices, without mentioning how his anti-oil agenda is contributing to the growing crisis.

AP ran a puff story…