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Joseph Vazquez | December 9, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is the last person who should be complaining about the disappearance of maturity in today’s politics. 

Krugman exploited the death of former Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) in his Dec. 7 blog headlined, "…

Catherine Salgado | December 8, 2021

Snap CTO Bobby Murphy is the latest tech executive who announced he is all in on augmented reality (AR), which is a key piece in how some envision the metaverse. Murphy said Snap is developing its own AR Spectacles and hoping to have applications…

Alexander Hall | December 8, 2021

Liberals infamously told censored conservatives that they should build their own platforms. 

Now that conservatives have built everything from payment processors to video hosting platforms, liberals have now condemned these platforms…

Joseph Vazquez | December 8, 2021

Apple’s recent pro-China behavior now makes sense. The tech giant’s CEO reportedly signed a secret deal with the country worth hundreds of billions of dollars five years ago, according to a new report.

The Daily Mail reported that Apple…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 8, 2021

It’s Episode Fifteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, Big Tech showed their desire to protect the leftist narrative at all costs — even if that means censoring information that could benefit public health. …

Gabriela Pariseau | December 8, 2021

MRC’s CensorTrack found 100 examples of Big Tech censoring content and users who affirm only two genders or recognize biological gender differences over the last 11 months. That’s an average of about two censorship incidents a week.


Autumn Johnson | December 8, 2021

Life360, an app designed to help parents track the movements of their children, reportedly sells customers’ locations to data brokers.

According to its website, Life360 is used by 31 million members. The company’s privacy policy states…

Catherine Salgado | December 7, 2021

Apparently history is too dangerous to teach children. YouTube has censored a Young America’s Foundation (YAF) video about “Victims of Socialism,” restricting the video on the grounds that it is not “suitable” for kids.

YAF said it was…

Autumn Johnson | December 7, 2021

Less than a day before its CEO testifies in front of Congress, Instagram announced it will roll out new safety features for teenage users, hoping the changes will help make them "even safer" when using the social media platform.

Alexander Hall | December 7, 2021

Is this the start of a big conservative splash in the tech sphere?? Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) will reportedly resign from his position as a congressman to join former President Donald Trump’s burgeoning Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG.)…

Joseph Vazquez | December 7, 2021

CNN took a sudden detour from its love affair with President Joe Biden and accused his White House of trying to quietly shape the media coverage of his atrocious economic agenda.

The Reliable Sources newsletter reported that the “The…

Catherine Salgado | December 6, 2021

“As it turns out, remembering the politically inconvenient is a risky thing. To help others to remember is even more dangerous.” Leftist WIRED published these words as part of a report on Chinese online censorship. The irony is that WIRED…

Alexander Hall | December 6, 2021

House Democrats are pushing legislation that would allow platform users to sue Big Tech companies for “emotional injury.” House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) skewered the legislation and those pushing…

Autumn Johnson | December 5, 2021

A new social network being created by former President Donald Trump reportedly said it has $1 billion lined up in capital.

Trump announced his plan to create a new social network after he was banned from Facebook and Twitter. The network…

Autumn Johnson | December 4, 2021

In a scathing Twitter thread, the editor of The Daily Caller slammed Big Tech social media platforms for continuing to favor leftist viewpoints online. 

Geoffrey Ingersoll, The Caller's editor-in-chief, tweeted no…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2021

CNN is adding to its long list of “L’s.” It tried to get out in front of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) spinning the jobs recovery as robust before the actual jobs report dropped.

CNN published a story early Dec. 3 celebrating…

Alexander Hall | December 3, 2021

Protecting the right of people to be censored? A federal court blocked the Texas HB 20 law against social media censorship based on political view. 

Texas House Bill 20 was enacted to stop platforms from censoring content merely for…

Catherine Salgado | December 3, 2021

You might say Twitter had a heart attack after the American Heart Association (AHA) published a study abstract about the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Twitter reportedly attached an “unsafe” label to an American Heart Association link.…

Craig Bannister | December 3, 2021

“Big Tech has become the censorship arm of the Democratic Party,” Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared Thursday, pointing to Congressional testimony citing Media Research Center (MRC) studies proving his point.

Giant social…

Brian Bradley | December 3, 2021

Sony managers were apparently too abrasive when they didn’t stay in the same room as women with the door shut and for showing genuine concern for women’s personal lives.

Those are two of several supposed gender-discrimination claims…