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Brian Bradley | June 22, 2022

Eight House Republicans on Tuesday joined their Senate counterparts in proposing legislation aimed at curbing left-wing political bias in email services’ spam filters. 

The House bill, like its Senate companion, would require email…

Joseph Vazquez | June 22, 2022

Bloomberg News appeared to join a growing chorus of liberal outlets rejecting President Joe Biden’s gaslighting on the severity of the American inflation crisis.

The headline for Bloomberg News’ Biden smackdown was right on the nose: “…

Autumn Johnson | June 21, 2022

A new report suggested China exploited Google search results to spread its false narrative about COVID-19.

The Washington Examiner detailed a report that China manipulated Google search results to hide the country’s mishandling of the…

Autumn Johnson | June 21, 2022

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, faced a lawsuit after it was revealed the company used a tracking tool to obtain patient health information.

Reclaim the Net reported that the plaintiff, a patient who used the healthcare portal in…

Catherine Salgado | June 21, 2022

The Center for Countering Digital Hate, which previously classified Media Research Center as one of the “Toxic Ten” of alleged climate misinformation, is now trying to pressure Google to suppress pro-life websites.

The U.K.- and U.S.-…

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2022

Twitter’s Board of Directors told the platform's shareholders to accept the world’s richest man’s $44 billion takeover deal, according to a new government filing.

The filing specifically told shareholders that it “unanimously recommends…

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2022

It looks like not even The Associated Press is buying President Joe Biden’s seemingly never-ending list of excuses on the inflation-plagued economy.

AP ripped Biden’s unfounded economic optimism as risking “contribut[ing] to a dissonance…

Catherine Salgado | June 20, 2022

“Is TikTok destroying civilization?” Elon Musk tweeted June 17. “Or perhaps social media in general.” Hyperbole? Perhaps, but maybe not considering new revelations about TikTok’s reported data sharing with China.

BuzzFeed News reported…

Joseph Vazquez | June 20, 2022

The New York Times tried to inject a silver lining into the fertilizer shortage gripping American farmers by telling them to use pee as a substitute to help foster a so-called green transition.

Times climate journalist Catrin Einhorn…

Autumn Johnson | June 19, 2022

U.S. lawmakers urged Google to “fix” abortion searches.

Reuters reported that Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) were among 14 senators and seven House lawmakers -- all Democrats -- who signed the letter to…

Autumn Johnson | June 18, 2022

A new report suggested Facebook received sensitive medical information from hospital websites.

The Markup tested 100 hospital websites and on 33 of them discovered a tracking tool called “Meta Pixel” that collected patients’ sensitive…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 17, 2022

YouTube has shown time and time again that it won’t allow users to post about Jan. 6 or the 2020 election unless they outright deny claims of potential fraud or vote-counting errors. The Congressional January 6 Committee is no exception.

Jeffrey Clark | June 17, 2022

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell snuck in mention of a dystopian digital currency system during a speech at a June 17 conference.

“Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role…

Jeffrey Clark | June 17, 2022

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares called out a far-left prosecutor funded by liberal billionaire George Soros for allegedly putting criminals before families. 

Woke Commonwealth’s Attorney for Loudoun County, Va., Buta Biberaj…

Catherine Salgado | June 17, 2022

Fox News host Sean Hannity slammed the White House’s new task force to address online abuse and “disinformation,” noting that even the White House doesn’t seem to know what the board will do.

Hannity bashed the Biden White House’s new…

Jeffrey Clark | June 17, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk defended free speech online and fielded questions from Twitter employees, according to a leaked video call. 

“You can communicate with millions of people on Twitter. That’s just an incredibly important thing,”…

Catherine Salgado | June 17, 2022

House Republicans on Monday introduced a bill to stop Big Tech from allowing Chinese Communist Party senior officials to have accounts on American social media platforms.

The “China Social Media Reciprocity Act” would prevent certain…

Jeffrey Clark | June 16, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson demolished the excuse that “Putin’s Price Hike” is more responsible for high gas prices than the anti-energy policies of the current U.S. president.

“The price of gas in America now qualifies as a catastrophe…

Paiten Iselin | June 16, 2022

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said that the White House national climate advisor’s recent comments urging Big Tech to combat so-called disinformation represent the Biden administration’s latest effort to “control” and “chill” speech.


Catherine Salgado | June 16, 2022

The Biden White House will announce the launch of a task force today supposedly to help prevent online abuse, including so-called “gendered disinformation.” Is this a Disinformation Governance Board 2.0 in disguise?

Much like the…