CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 1661 - 1680 of 4422
EXCLUSIVE: Banned ‘OK Groomer’ Author Lindsay Says Big Tech Uses Censorship to ‘Protect Evil’
Paiten Iselin
Twitter permanently suspended author, mathematician and commentator James Lindsay…
Twitter censors user for pointing out a middle-aged "transgender woman" playing soccer on a youth girls team is visibly a man: After news broke about an obvious middle-aged man who was claiming to be…
Facebook censors user for posting a meme of Steven Crowder, claiming he is a "dangerous individual": A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their Facebook censorship notice. The user had posted a…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted: "Isn't it a milder virus as it mutates? My MIL thinks it's a 'bad one…
Twitter censors user for stating that monkeypox is an STD transmitted by gay men, CNBC article confirmed it: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. the user tweeted: "Oh…
Twitter censors user for rejecting name-calling over stance against COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship. The censored user had tweeted: "So if I…
Twitter censors satirical "U.S. Ministry of Truth" account over a sarcastic tweet: U.S. Ministry of Truth is a self-described parody account on Twitter that has amassed approximately 300,000…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had tweeted: "I'm not going to argue with you. The vaxx was poison for…
Twitter deletes user's tweet about transgenderism: Twitter deleted a user's tweet, according to a purported screenshot shared with MRC Free Speech America. The user tweeted, "@Samuels_Cloud_ @…
Twitter censors post about mRNA vaccines from vaccine-injured Israeli doctor: Kanekoa's Newsletter on Substack said that former Director General of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had tweeted: "I know parents are trying to be responsible parents. But…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She had tweeted: "Neither I, my husband, nor any of my children, have had Covid...…
Twitter censors user for factual statement about COVID-19 and vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted: "Neither I, my husband, nor any of my children,…
Twitter censors user for comment about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. That user had tweeted: "dude is lying again. AZ and JJ…
Twitter censors user for tweet about Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "Do I understand it right: #Pfizer's Burl…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 pandemic: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "I think the HIV/AIDS crisis; COVID-19 pandemic…
Twitter censors user for tweeting link to Epoch Times story about a COVID-19 study published in journal Nature: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The censored…
Twitter censors user for speaking about how defending trans women ends up defending pedophiles: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted about pedophiles, saying…
Twitter censors user for saying his COVID-19 case was mild and not worth a vaccine: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "Not vaccinated, have various auto…