CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 4121 - 4140 of 4529
User reported on Twitter (username and followers are from his Twitter account) that Facebook suspended his account for posting the collage of pics of Biden touching young people.
User tweeted: "Liberals are so polite & pro life aren’t they?" along with an image of a Twitter discussion with another user, @RaiyaDaDon, where the other user says "There were other cops with…
User tweeted: "One week from today, over a MILLION people sill see banners with this message displayed on highway overpasses across the country:" along with a photo of the highway sign that says "…
User tweeted: "@RaiyaDaDon Liberals are so polite and pro life aren’t they?" along with a screenshot of a Twitter conversation involving the tagged user where that use said "There were other cops…
User tweeted: "LockDown wit Mofo 13! Who u gonna Call? And #HappyFathersDay and #RecallGavinNewsom!! #ReOpenAmerica #Protests #Riots #DefundThePoliceNOT #VoteForWhoYouWant instagram.com/p/CBme9urFI-W…
User tweeted: "Remember that both @ErinOTooleMP and @PeterMacKay are #prochoice and thus support the murder of preborn children. #cpcldr #CPC #CPCdebate #cdnpoli #prolife" along with a photo of…
User tweeted: "All lives matter in the eye of God, our creator! Including the ones from unborn babies! #AllLivesMatter #ProLife #BabiesLivesMatter #AbortionIsMurder #LifeStartsAtConception" along…
User tweeted: "A good example of why additional #unemploymentbenefits needs to expire next month. This is an HR friend in GA who posted this. #backtowork #MAGA2020 #Covid_19 #Jobs" along with a…
User tweeted: "It should NEVER be legal to crush the skulls of innocent people, tear their limbs off, and poison or starve them to death. #ProLife #BabiesLivesMatter #ChildrensLivesMatter #…
User's account was restricted for a week after posting the following comment to another user: "Uncle Ben's next to go. LOL!" Twitter claimed it was "hateful conduct." See attached image for their…
User tweeted: "Wear a mask if youre sick. Healthy people dont wear masks. #NoMask #Maga #OpenAmerica" along with a selfie of him wearing a Trump 2020 mask with text that says "Want to stop this mask…
User tweeted: "Our president is doing great things for the Christian faith.He placed 2 Christian SCJ 4life which we needed.He protects religious freedom, he is pro life,He stands for our Constitution…
User says he tweeted to Biden a video of Biden talking to Beto, saying he will come for our guns and assault weapons. He was then suspended by Twitter over it. User said to me: "This video played up…
User tweeted in response to Spike Lee: "This is PFC Dan Bullock USMC, a REAL HERO. You're a REAL ZERO! Why don't you make movies about him or Bass Reeves. Why are you in the party of slavery, Jim…
User tweeted: "Opal Tometi,co-founder of the Black Lives Matter political movement was pictured in #Venezuela with Dictator @NicolasMaduro whilst acting as 'an observer' for elections in 2015. h/t @…
User's account was restricted for 12 hours after making a tweet, image attached, where he referred to Biden as retarded.
User tweeted: "First day back at work in 3 months! #Excited #Nervous #BackToWork #GonnaHaveToLearnEverythingAgain" along with a selfie of herself in her car. This photo of her was censored with a…
User tweeted a link to a YouTube video that was deemed to be a violation of Twitter's rules against abuse and harassment, and the account was suspended for a undetermined amount of time. YouTube has…