CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 4101 - 4120 of 4506
User tweeted: "One week from today, over a MILLION people sill see banners with this message displayed on highway overpasses across the country:" along with a photo of the highway sign that says "…
User tweeted: "@RaiyaDaDon Liberals are so polite and pro life aren’t they?" along with a screenshot of a Twitter conversation involving the tagged user where that use said "There were other cops…
User tweeted: "LockDown wit Mofo 13! Who u gonna Call? And #HappyFathersDay and #RecallGavinNewsom!! #ReOpenAmerica #Protests #Riots #DefundThePoliceNOT #VoteForWhoYouWant instagram.com/p/CBme9urFI-W…
User tweeted: "Remember that both @ErinOTooleMP and @PeterMacKay are #prochoice and thus support the murder of preborn children. #cpcldr #CPC #CPCdebate #cdnpoli #prolife" along with a photo of…
User tweeted: "All lives matter in the eye of God, our creator! Including the ones from unborn babies! #AllLivesMatter #ProLife #BabiesLivesMatter #AbortionIsMurder #LifeStartsAtConception" along…
User tweeted: "A good example of why additional #unemploymentbenefits needs to expire next month. This is an HR friend in GA who posted this. #backtowork #MAGA2020 #Covid_19 #Jobs" along with a…
User tweeted: "It should NEVER be legal to crush the skulls of innocent people, tear their limbs off, and poison or starve them to death. #ProLife #BabiesLivesMatter #ChildrensLivesMatter #…
User's account was restricted for a week after posting the following comment to another user: "Uncle Ben's next to go. LOL!" Twitter claimed it was "hateful conduct." See attached image for their…
User tweeted: "Wear a mask if youre sick. Healthy people dont wear masks. #NoMask #Maga #OpenAmerica" along with a selfie of him wearing a Trump 2020 mask with text that says "Want to stop this mask…
User tweeted: "Our president is doing great things for the Christian faith.He placed 2 Christian SCJ 4life which we needed.He protects religious freedom, he is pro life,He stands for our Constitution…
User says he tweeted to Biden a video of Biden talking to Beto, saying he will come for our guns and assault weapons. He was then suspended by Twitter over it. User said to me: "This video played up…
User tweeted in response to Spike Lee: "This is PFC Dan Bullock USMC, a REAL HERO. You're a REAL ZERO! Why don't you make movies about him or Bass Reeves. Why are you in the party of slavery, Jim…
User tweeted: "Opal Tometi,co-founder of the Black Lives Matter political movement was pictured in #Venezuela with Dictator @NicolasMaduro whilst acting as 'an observer' for elections in 2015. h/t @…
User's account was restricted for 12 hours after making a tweet, image attached, where he referred to Biden as retarded.
User tweeted: "First day back at work in 3 months! #Excited #Nervous #BackToWork #GonnaHaveToLearnEverythingAgain" along with a selfie of herself in her car. This photo of her was censored with a…
User tweeted a link to a YouTube video that was deemed to be a violation of Twitter's rules against abuse and harassment, and the account was suspended for a undetermined amount of time. YouTube has…
User tweeted: "Why isn't this mainstream news. It's not a rule to stay 2 meters away. So why aren't pubs open Why aren't music venues open. Why aren't sports venues open. #Openthepubs #…
User tweeted: "When will this madness stop?! More communist instruction adorned on the lampposts in my home town! #Covid1948 #coronavirus #Communism #Totalitarianism #tyranny #dystopian #covidhoax #…
User's account was restricted for 1 week after she tweeting saying that Joe Biden is becoming more retarded.
User tweeted: "Who do you think set up Russia, Impeachment, COVID, Riots and division of this country? #DemocratsDidThis #tyranny" with an image that shows two columns, Democrats Then and Democrats…