CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 401 - 420 of 479
User tweeted: "That's Jane Roe Herself #PragerForce #prolife #defundplannedparenthood #roevwade #mybodymychoice #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionisMurder" along with an image showing a photo of "Jane…
User tweeted: "Nope a pregnant person has another body growing inside her womb." along with a GIF of a 4D ultrasound. That GIF was censored with a sensitive content filter.
User tweeted: "Fact: Abortion is the destruction of a child.... Period. Science. #abortion #ProLife #AbortionIsMurder #abortions #children #family #Christianity #PlannedParenthood" along with a…
User tweeted: "SOME ABORTED BABIES ARE INTACT BEFORE THEY DISSECT THEM. SOME HEARTS ARE ‘BEATING INDEPENDENTLY’ --- “In a new video released by the same organization that conducted an undercover…
User tweeted: "That’s nice. Here are dozens of medical textbook references that refute that nonsense." along with an image showing multiple quotes from different textbooks discussing how human…
User was permanently banned. He stated that he understand it is for spam and platform manipulation, specifically operating multiple fake accounts.
User tweeted: "Medicine is for healing. When someone’s limbs are removed and they’re decapitated, that’s called a victim. Human rights are for all humans and don’t need to be earned. They’re…
User tweeted: "And people actually VOTE for and agree with these people? You have NO soul if you agree with this; your soul and conscience has been seared and you are a reprobate. Period. #…
User tweeted: "Planned parenthood kills children everyday so don’t act like you care now. Millions of them. Far more than this virus ever will. #ProLife #ProudToBeAnAmerican #MAGA2020" along with a…
User tweeted: "What do you value most? Your car, your home, your pet, your shoes? I think my >value is my #life to live it with love. I give thanks to God and my parents for the gift of life…
User tweeted: "@ovationtv Do you #SupportMarxistAntiAmericanRiots? Is @ovationtv a subsidiary of the @DNC? Alienation of 65 million Americans is not a good business plan; I am a #ProAmerican #ProLife…
User tweeted "The Marxist Lie of #WhitePrivilege. The #Democrats and their followers engage in the dangerous practice of identity politics. This is what is dividing all of us today in the #…
User tweeted: "God bless these pro-life activists in Bakersfield, California!" along with a photo of some volunteers standing next to their highway overpass sign that says "Abortion takes a human…
User tweeted: "“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you and anointed you.” -Jeremiah 1:5 #prolife #endabortion" along with an image of a baby in utero.…
User tweeted: "National Pro-Life Bridges Day 2020 in Morristown, New Jersey:" along with a photo of volunteers on top of a highway overpass holding a sign that says "Abortion takes a human life," as…
Stefan Molyneux had his YouTube account of 14 years, with nearly 1,000,000 subscribers and hundreds of millions of views on thousands of videos, permanently banned for Hate Speech.
User tweeted: "Pro-lifers in Fresno, California on National Pro-Life Bridges Day!" along with a photo of volunteers standing on a highway overpass with the sign that says "Abortion takes a human life…
User was issued a permanent ban from YouTube.