Steven Crowder

Twitter suspends Steven Crowder for 12-hours WITHOUT any explanation, then increases it to a full week after giving him a second violation also WITHOUT any explanation: Conservative YouTuber Steven Crowder was once again suspended from Twitter without any explanation, something that goes against Twitter's own policy on how it handles violations of its terms of service on its platform. "No LwC Show this morning so that we can cross some t's and dot some i's. We're working on a MAJOR legal update," Crowder wrote in a post on his Facebook account. "HINT: it's Twitter -- and we'll have Half-Asian Lawyer Bill Richmond on tomorrow for a Barely Legal update." Not only did Crowder not receive any explanation, or any indication of what tweet had violated Twitter's rules, but he also had his suspension increased from 12-hours to a full week after Twitter levied its second spontaneous violation against him. A blog post on chronicling Crowder's problems with Twitter said that at the time it was published the following day, "there has still been no communication from Twitter about what rules were violated or why a week was added to the original same-day suspension."    

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