Status Coup News

Digital news outlet's coverage of annual Second Amendment rally removed from YouTube: Footage of a Second Amendment rally uploaded to YouTube by leftist digital news outlet Status Coup News was deleted because YouTube "think[s]" it violated their firearms policy. YouTube's firearms policy does not allow livestreams "that feature someone holding or handling a firearm, regardless of whether or not they are firing it." Status Coup News CEO Jordan Chariton was livid about his outlet's footage being deleted and took to Twitter to vent his frustrations. "Now @YouTube @TeamYouTube just REMOVED @StatusCoup@JonFarina's Livestream reporting from PEACEFUL Virginia gun rights rally bc 'we think it violates our firearms policy.'," tweeted Chariton. "HOW ARE JOURNALISTS SUPPOSED TO CHRONICLE HISTORY IF YOUTUBE-AND OTHERS-ARE OUTLAWING IT?" Status Coup News was covering the annual Lobby Day rally, organized by Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL). VCDL is a leading gun-rights organization in Virginia and it described Lobby Day as an event where "normal, everyday Americans go to the Virginia Capitol to tell our state legislators to SAY NO TO GUN CONTROL." In a thread of responses to his initial tweet, Chariton lambasted Google owned YouTube for what he believes is suppression of his site due to the company's move to elevate "authoritative" sources over non-corporatized independent ones. "YouTube CEO @SusanWojcicki should have to explain to JOURNALISTS why it is she censoring JOURNALISM in an overly broad and misguided facade of cracking down on extremism. What she and YouTube are doing is SUPPRESSING JOURNALISM," Chariton wrote in one of the thread's replies.    


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