
Twitter censors user for statement about the dangers of transwomen to women: A Twitter user engaged in some debates over transgender issues with other users made a few comments that Twitter considered, even after an appeal, to be "abusive behavior." The user was required to delete the comments in order to regain access to their locked account. The comments that Twitter disapproved of were: "redefining definitions which guarantee women protection in law and medical care, letting everyone into sex-based spaces based on self-if, erasing words 'woman' and 'female' is abuse. we are not human shields for gnc males, mentally ill males, gay males, any males. tw ARE males." And "Just two words. Two words that show that if you fight for women they'll try to get you silenced. If you dare to not support male delusion you'll get condemned and told you're wrong. If you are a woman you are already as good as fascist. That's @Woke_Misogyny for you." Also a tweet in Russian that, in the user's words, said "that those phrases considered hatespeach while death & rape threats to 'terfs' aren't."

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