Raheem Kassam

Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse once again censored by Twitter: The Twitter account of Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, has been locked once again. Locked accounts are unable to tweet, retweet, "like" or comment on the platform, which effectively suspends the user's ability to use the platform. This time his account was locked for 12 hours after a tweet questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election. President Joe Biden was expected to start a livestream regarding the COVID relief bill, but Kassam noted that only three people were waiting for the livestream to begin, according to a screenshot taken as the livestream was waiting to begin. Incredulous over this, Kassam tweeted: "Remember, they claim he got 81 MILLION votes. Honeslty I’m starting to believe he didn’t get 18 MILLION." Twitter found this to be a violation of its rules, though it did not state which rule it violated. as a result, Kassam had to delete the tweet, and was then restricted from his account for 12 hours.     

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