Obianuju Ekeocha

Obianuju Ekeocha is an unabashed pro-lifer who is a verified Twitter user. She was recently informed by some of her followers that while they had previously followed her account, they had recently found that their account no longer was following hers. Once she re-tweeted one of these accounts, she began getting more and more people saying that they had not seen anything from her in some time, and also found that they were no longer following her. 

I have contacted both Obianuju for comment as well as Twitter. It is unknown when this happened, or why. Since this was not censorship of an individual tweet, nor is it an account level event, it seems likely that it wasn't a specific tweet that led to this action. It is more likely that the fact that she regularly tweets about abortion from a pro-life stance, and also tweets pro-marriage, pro-family, and anti-feminist messages is the root cause of Twitter dropping some number of her followers. As she put it, they want to be sure no one unintentionally followed her, so they take the liberty to drop them without notification.

She re-tweeted a follower on April 5 saying that she is not seeing her tweets in her feed. shows no censorship. Her followers have grown by approximately 2k since this was first documented. There does still seem to be some censorship going on, though it is difficult to demonstrated conclusively. This seems to be a standard shadowban that seems to be continuing.

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