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Twitter censors user's tweet about an eleven year old tabloid headline: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted: "From ELEVEN YEARS AGO #depopulation #BMGF #GreatReset #ArrestFauci #VaxMandates #Antihumanism." The tweet included a link to another tweet featuring an image from an Irish tabloid called the Sovereign Independent, with text of the tweet explaining the headline: "7/9/2021 - Woman holds in her hands a 2011 newspaper which says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start "Depopulation through compulsory vaccination", as it will be the most "environmentally friendly solution." Twitter claimed the tweet violated its rules against "spreading misleading or potentially harmful information related to COVID-19." The user's account was locked until he deleted the tweet.

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