Morlock P
Case #

Other users reported that this account had been tweeting about COVID-19, and that the account had been suspended. At the time that I checked into this situation, the user's account had a restriction on it, screen shots attached. It only noted that there had been "unusual activity" from the account. I am not seeing a lot of activity on the account at all so I am thinking the user has deleted some tweets in order to avoid the suspension. However, have not heard back from Twitter or from the user on this.

User's account was subsequently released, and he issued the following via tweet: "Nothing is certain, but if I had to bet: * automated twitter tools identified my account as a supicious c*vid19 bot (lots of mentions of that term, rapid follower growth from 6k to 9k) * twitter locked me, asked to authenticate via cell phone * no cell * 3 week timeout -> banned" However, he has since tweeted that they are requiring him to submit to a Captcha every 12 hours in order to keep his account active.


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