Louis Rossmann

YouTube bans discussion of competitors by YouTube content creator: On Oct 17, 2023, computer repair technician and YouTuber Louis Rossmann posted a video in which he discussed a new Android app Grayjay. The app compiles videos from various video sharing platforms like YouTube so that users can follow their favorite content creators without using those platforms. According to fellow YouTuber, Jeremy Hambly, otherwise known by his channel name The Quartering, YouTube then removed the video and issued a strike against Rossmann. According to Hambly, Rossmann "put out two videos. The first one was announcing the project, which, you now see, the video has been removed for violating YouTube's terms of service. He then put out a second video covering more information about the app, and that video was also removed. And, from what I understand, for both videos." YouTube did not stop there, however. The platform also did a deep dive of Rossmann's channel and issued strikes for other videos in which he covered other YouTube affiliates like NewPipe. "According to his communications teams...they said he got Community Guideline strikes, plural," said Hambly of Rossmann. "[YouTube] went through his whole catalog of videos referencing other YouTube clients, including NewPipe, and striked [sic] three of his videos." According to YouTube's Guidelines, three strikes within a 90 day period will result in a permanent ban from the platform. However, his channel has not been removed.

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