Live Action

Twitter community censors pro-life tweet. ‘Blatantly False’: Twitter Label on Pro-Life Tweet Exposes Problem with Community Notes

by Catherine Salgado

Live Action President and Founder Lila Rose responded to the dubious context label on June 12, stating in a tweet, “Twitter posts a blatantly false ‘correction’ on our tweet showing a 7-week-old embryo from fertilization, who had been miscarried. What’s going on, @elonmusk?” The Community Notes “context,” shown in Rose’s screenshot, appears to have been removed since.

Live Action tweeted on June 9, “This is what a ‘clump of cells’ looks like 7-weeks after fertilization.” The tweet included two photos of an unborn baby at seven weeks, to demonstrate how human the baby looks, even though it is about the size of a blueberry.

Live Action added another tweet with an article about the baby pictured, a little boy who sadly died in a miscarriage. His mother shared photos of the two babies she miscarried in hopes the photos would open eyes on how babies are clearly humans, only a few weeks into gestation, according to the Live Action article.

In other words, the attempted discredit was foolish. Community Notes laughably tried “to debunk an actual (accurate) photograph with an artist's depiction” of an unborn baby, according to The Babylon Bee Managing Editor and author Joel Berry.

The unscientific Community Notes claimed, according to a screengrab shared by Rose, “This is not how an embryo looks like at 7 weeks. The embryo is about 1 cm long from head to tail — about the size of a coffee bean And it looks more like this.” The Twitter Community Note included a link which, as reported above by Berry, contained an artistic rendering of an embryo rather than a photograph as Live Action provided.

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