Karen Kasler

Twitter locked Karen Kasler Wheeler out of her account: Reporter Danny Eldredge tweeted from his unverified account Sept. 14, "Hey @Twitter, why did you lock a reporter out for tweeting about sports? #FreeKaren." The screenshot Eldredge shared of a post from Kasler said that Twitter locked Kasler out of her account for "Violating our rules against abuse and harassment." It is unclear how her post violated these rules, and this may be another case of Twitter's AI algorithm misunderstanding context. According to the screenshot, Kasler tweeted, “First time since 2004! I think @jimdonovancbs3 is going to have a heart attack #Browns.” Kasler commented in the screenshotted post, “I’ve never been in Facebook jail. Am now in Twitter lockup, for THIS. What the hell?” 

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