Kanishka Roychoudhury

User tweeted: "At a time when #COVID__19 #coronavirus cases are rising around the US and forcing businesses to close, @SeabrookWA was a good reminder that its possible to be #backtowork by following #SocialDistancing" along with a photo of a sign outside a business that indicated that when you enter you should take one of the 3 flowers, and if there are no flowers, you must wait outside because the max capacity with the restrictions is 3 people. This photo of the sign was censored as sensitive content.

Additionally, user commented below the tweet with another that said: "And following other recommendations such as #facecoverings #handsanitizer #wipeitdown" and a photo of a very large bucket of sanitizing wipes in the outside seating area of a business. This image was also censored with a sensitive content filter.

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