James O'Keefe

Twitter locks account of James O'Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, over tweet promoting new investigation: James O'Keefe is the head of the conservative investigative news outlet Project Veritas. O'Keefe's account was locked, effectively suspending him from Twitter (locked accounts cannot tweet, retweet or "like" new posts), after he authored a tweet publicizing Project Veritas's latest investigative report. The report covered Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen's refusal to comment on a leaked tape in which he is heard talking about a system at Facebook that is able to "FREEZE commenting" on posts where hate speech "may be." O'Keefe posted screenshots of the notice he received from Twitter, alerting him his account had been locked, on social networking platform Telegram. O'Keefe was suspended for violating Twitter's rules against posting private information. "You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission," says the notice to O'Keefe. Twitter also reportedly told a reporter O'Keefe must delete the violating tweet in order to return to the platform. Here is the full text of O'Keefe's violating tweet which included a link to a teaser for the Project Veritas investigation: "Tweet: "INTEGRITY ALERT: @Facebook Vice President @guyro REFUSES to comment when confronted by @Project_Veritas Senior Journalist Christian Hartsock Remember that Rosen admitted on a leaked tape that FB has 'a system that is able to FREEZE commenting' on posts where hate speech 'may be' https://t.co/aIxKvT8HEo" Additionally, a view of O'Keefe's Twitter feed shows that three tweets have been deleted as well. The Project Veritas account also had three deleted tweets and was suspended from Twitter hours after its account was also locked.

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