Ivory Hecker

YouTube forces journalist to delete interview with Alex Jones and suspends her channel for two weeks: Ivory Hecker, a now-independent journalist who was forced out of her position at a local Fox affiliate for accusing her station of "muzzling her," has been suspended from uploading new content to her YouTube channel for two weeks. "Youtube has banned me from uploading for 2 weeks due to a video I shared 2 months ago of someone interviewing me," Hecker shared in a tweet. "Any guesses which interviewer is dangerous enough to cause a strike?" Well, none other than the infamous Alex Jones, who YouTube banned from its platform in 2018. YouTube reportedly indicated to Hecker in a notice that "posting content previously removed for violating our Terms of Service; or posting content from creators who have been terminated under our terms" is prohibited by the video-sharing platform. Besides suspending Hecker's channel, YouTube also deleted the episode from her channel. "I’m learning the hard way how to navigate through this censored world," Hecker tweeted.   

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