Facebook temporarily suspends account over anti-COVID-19 vaccine content: Facebook removed two posts from Daniel Salgado and temporarily suspended his account, citing its Community Standards. According to purported screenshots, the two censored posts shared articles published by MRC Free Speech America's Catherine Salgado on her personal Substack, "Doctor Warns New Combo Covid-Flu Shots Will Have Even More Spike Proteins than the Original Covid Vax," and "WHO-Tied Study Finds Covid Vax Injuries 187% More Likely than Covid Hospitalization for Vaxxed." Facebook said in the screenshots, "You have multiple restrictions on your account." Facebook added, "We encourage free expression, but don't allow false information about COVID-19 that could contribute to physical harm." Facebook stated, "Your account is restricted for 9 hours." The platform also restricted Salgado's group activity for two days, according to screenshots.
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