Daniel James Gullo

User suspended from LinkedIn for sharing a Gateway Pundit article on COVID-19, costs him over $10K in lost revenue: Daniel Gallo took to Twitter to complain that LinkedIn had suspended his account for the last seven days because of an article that he had shared. The LinkedIn post he shared did not offer any commentary, with his text only reflecting the headline of the Gateway Pundit article. The post read: "IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a dog" and included the following article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/scam-48299-covid-19-cases-37-us-universities-2-hospitalizations-zero-deaths-likely-killed-dog/. Gallo claims that his suspension has cost his approximately $14,000 in lost revenue. He explained that LinkedIn told him that his post contained "false content." He said that LinkedIn told him that it would take 14 days to review his appeal, and that he has been checking in and replying to the appeal every day, but has not heard anything else back from LinkedIn. Gallo indicated that this is his sixth suspension in 18 months, and that all have been over Gateway Pundit articles. He suggests that it would be appropriate for LinkedIn to let paying users know that it does not allow any Gateway Pundit articles to be shared on its platform, rather than just continually suspending paying customers over the articles with no transparency about the fact that they seem to have this rule.

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