Daily Wire

YouTube age restricts Daily Wire video discussing Kyle Rittenhouse trial and footage but leaves major news outlet videos on same topic unrestricted: Eighteen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first-degree murder after he killed two men and injured another allegedly in self-defense during one of the 2020 Antifa riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. YouTube placed an age restriction on a Daily Wire video entitled "Everything you need to know about the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial." The Daily Wire did not include a viewer discretion warning in its video, however the narrator gave an extended explanation of the situation going as far back as George Floyd's death, Jacob Blake's death which began the Kenosha riots and the two and a half days of riots in Kenosha leading up to the Kyle Rittenhouse incident. The video itself relies heavily on photos with only a couple of snippets of footage of the night and low sound. YouTube placed an age restriction interstitial over the video that read "The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised." Users must click through the interstitial that reads "I understand and wish to proceed," even if they are age-verified. YouTube however did not age restrict videos produced by The Washington Post and The New York Times which each showed the more of the same footage of the riot fires, violence and explanation while also including the sound.

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