Convention of States

YouTube gives the Convention of States a second strike on its channel: Convention of States, an organization dedicated to empowering states to take back control that constitutionally belongs to them, posted an episode of its show "COS Live!" on YouTube. The episode discussed the U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment rights, biblical citizenship, and President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. YouTube claimed that the "content was removed due to a violation of [its] Community Guidelines" and specified "Medical misinformation" as the policy broken, according to screenshots provided in a Convention of States blog. It is unclear how exactly the video broke medical misinformation guidelines as it does not appear to discuss anything prohibited by YouTube's COVID-19 medical misinformation policy. The removal resulted in a second strike infraction for the channel, which prevented the channel's ability to "upload, post, or live stream for 2 weeks." YouTube's community standards allow for three strikes after a warning strike within a 90 day period before removing a channel from the platform entirely.

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