Brave Books

Facebook permanently disables then reinstates Brave Book's ads account: Facebook "permanently disabled" the ads account of Christian children's books publisher Brave Books, according to screenshots included in a Fox Business report about the incident. "Ad account permanently disabled," the notification read. Facebook further explained that "after a final review of this ad account, we confirmed it didn't comply with our Advertising Policies or other standards. You can no longer advertise with this ad account and its ads and assets will remain disabled. This is our Final decision," according to the screenshot. Fox Business reported that the platform rejected the publisher's appeal but later reinstated the ads account when Fox Business inquired about what happened. It's unclear what content in the ads might have triggered the ban on the publisher's account. Brave Books founder Trent Talbot spoke to the power Meta has to censor small businesses. "Meta’s decision to permanently ban our account is an ‘existential threat’ to our company," he told Fox Business. Talbot later added that "We're fortunate we have a large enough platform to draw attention to their malicious ways but there are, no doubt, countless small businesses that have been abused and ruined by these types of actions."

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