Benny Johnson

Twitter censors James O'Keefe tweet that was embedded in a tweet from TPUSA's Benny Johnson: Turning Point USA's Benny Johnson took to Twitter to share how he and "dozens of others" got slapped with a Fake News fact check on Facebook for posting a Project Veritas video about a Minnesota ballot harvesting effort. In his tweet about this, he included an image of a James O'Keefe tweet that includes a video explaining how the USA Today fact check is wrong, and threatening to sue them if they do not retract it. On the original O'Keefe tweet, Twitter added a sensitive content filter to the video. In Johnson's tweet, Twitter added a sensitive content filter over the O'Keefe tweet image, which read: "It's simple. Either retract this 'Fact Check' or we are going to sue you @USATODAY." 


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