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Looking for the number of George Soros-funded prosecutors? The Media Research Center has the receipts, but if you look to artificial intelligence to find the answer, don’t think it will direct you to a media outlet that will give you the results you’re looking for.

MRC released a bombshell Special Report on Aug. 12, providing a precise number of Soros-funded prosecutors (126) and exposing how the Soros machine directs and controls prosecutors across America to implement his leftist agenda. One week after the exposé, MRC researchers turned to artificial intelligence (AI), specifically the free version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to see whether it would relay how many Soros-funded prosecutors there are, and which media outlets it claimed users should be directed to for research on the topic. The AI did not provide a figure for the number of Soros-funded prosecutors, and as it has done in the past, it directed MRC researchers to leftist sources.

MRC prompted OpenAI’s chatbot with three questions and analyzed the results. The biased chatbot unsurprisingly did what it has done many times before, promoting the leftist narrative and pushing users to leftist sources, including unironically promoting media outlet ProPublica and “fact-checking” organization PolitiFact, both Soros-funded sites.

When asked, “Which media outlets should be used to research George Soros-funded prosecutors?” the chatbot was anything but balanced. Instead of providing both left-leaning and right-leaning sources for information, the chatbot almost exclusively promoted leftist legacy media outlets and so-called fact-checkers. 

Among the named organizations, ChatGPT recommended leftist media outlets The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, ProPublica, The Center for Investigative Reporting and The Intercept. The chatbot also promoted leftist so-called fact-checking organizations, PolitiFact and Snopes and even leftist political and legal analysis sites Politico, The Hill and Law360. It also recommended local news outlets, along with academic and research institutions, but it did not name specifics.

The AI chatbot then absurdly suggested that “[b]y consulting a range of these sources, you can gather diverse viewpoints and a more comprehensive understanding of the influence and impact of Soros’s funding on prosecutors and criminal justice reform.”

MRC researchers then asked ChatGPT why it didn’t include numbers from Capital Research Center, The Blaze or the Media Research Center, three organizations known for their exhaustive Soros research. Again, ChatGPT’s unabashed bias did not disappoint. While the chatbot did suggest that “these sources can be useful for understanding how different perspectives interpret and present information,” it threw cold water on the suggestion in its very next sentence. “However, for a balanced view, it’s generally beneficial to also refer to mainstream and investigative news outlets that aim for broad journalistic standards and are less likely to present information with a specific ideological bias,” wrote ChatGPT, naturally referring to legacy media outlets.

When asked, “How many George Soros-funded prosecutors are there?” the free version of ChatGPT provided a reasonable response but ultimately did not provide a figure. It claimed, “The exact number of prosecutors funded by George Soros is difficult to pinpoint because it can fluctuate based on new elections and changes in officeholders.” The AI rightly denoted that Soros, through his Open Society Foundations and other groups, “has supported a number of district attorney races” around the country, aiming to promote “criminal justice reform and progressive policies.”

None of this is new, of course. 

MRC Free Speech America caught OpenAI’s chatbot touting legacy media and the leftist so-called media ratings firms Ad Fontes and NewsGuard in February 2024. The newest version of GPT-4 refused to list the five worst news sources when asked to list the five worst and five best news sources, claiming instead that doing so can be “highly” subjective. The chatbot then directed users to leftist firms Ad Fontes and NewsGuard. MRC has exposed NewsGuard for leftist bias three years in a row. MRC similarly laid bare how Ad Fontes Media is rigged to favor left-wing media in a September 2023 exposé. 

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