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John Kerry accidentally revealed his alignment with Big Tech and Big Government's united goal of undermining free speech in the United States on Sunday.

Former Secretary of State and Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry revealed his deep disdain for the First Amendment at a Sept. 29 World Economic Forum event. In a chilling rant during the WEF’s  Sustainable Development Impact Meeting in New York, Kerry had the gall to claim the Constitution made it “hard to govern” and police speech. Yes, you read that right.

Speech that Kerry subjectively dubs as “disinformation,” he suggested should be nuked out of orbit, suggested Kerry. He even expressed his frustration that the First Amendment is standing in the government’s way of achieving its goals. “But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, he spewed. “[O]ur First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer [disinformation] out of existence.”  

Kerry didn’t make any bones about his affinity for dystopian speech controls. The president’s chief climate activist even shared with the forum his apparent angst over individuals choosing for themselves what news sources to use.  “[P]eople go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle,” he whined. How terrible that autonomous citizens can make autonomous choices, eh Kerry?


Kerry went on to double down, highlighting his annoyance  that freedom of speech cripples democratic government’s ability to act as  a Ministry of Truth and dictate narratives to the masses:

“It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. You can't -- the referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree.” 

MRC Vice President of Free Speech America Dan Schneider blasted Kerry for his anti-free speech tirade in a post on X (formerly Twitter), “No political system is perfect, but a system without freedoms is necessarily authoritarian.”

Kerry’s call for abolishing our constitutional right to free speech and instituting censorship has come amid a global shift toward authoritarianism. He went on to rebuke democracies once more for being ‘too slow’, he claimed: “I think democracies are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to deal with the challenges they are facing, and to me, that is part of what this election is all about.”

In the not-too-distant past, Americans have been faced with countless instances of ideas being deemed “disinformation” only later to be proven true, time and time again. 

In 2020 the Federal Bureau of Investigation pressured Big Tech companies to censor the New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story and the theory that COVID-19  leaked from a Wuhan China lab leak was deemed a ‘conspiracy’ theory.  

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.