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Media Research Center Founder and President L. Brent Bozell warned of the impact on young Americans as artificial intelligence programmers seek to censor and “control … truth.”

Bozell went on MRC’s UnCensored with MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider to discuss how artificial intelligence is weaponized to censor the “conservative perspective.” Bozell cautioned, “He with the power to control AI controls truth, so you’re not allowed to pursue truth anymore.” Instead, AI simply presents leftist views.



In the interview, Schneider mentioned MRC Free Speech America’s research published in the New York Post revealing that Google’s AI chatbot, Bard, responded to a question about what the terrorist group Hamas is by saying it lacked the capacity to answer. “But Google’s Bard can tell us what the Irish Republican Army is; what Black Lives Matter is; what Antifa is; and what ISIS is; essentially any organization or any terrorist organization that is not attacking Israel right now.”

Bozell agreed, noting that Bard had refused to assist MRC researchers in finding Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. “Bard knows the capital of any country in the world, except for Israel,” Bozell said, citing this as an illustration of his point. “And when that ‘truth’ is presented everywhere, everywhere, and when I think about children, this is what really frightens me, a new generation of children are going to be raised,” and leftists will be “going out of their way to prevent the conservative perspective to enter the conversation, so they censor it at every opportunity.”

AI is the latest tool to accomplish this goal. “AI replaces” that conservative perspective, Bozell warned. It will impact future generations.

Here’s the full interview of MRC UnCensored:



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